
辽宁抚顺松材线虫入侵松林内天牛种类调查 被引量:8

Investigation of cerambycid beetle species in pine forests invaded by pine wood nematode in Fushun,Liaoning province
摘要 【目的】松材线虫Bursaphelenchus xylophilus(Steiner&Buhrer)Nickle的媒介昆虫云杉花墨天牛Monochamus saltuarius Gebler在辽宁省被发现意味着我国北方松林的生态安全正在遭受严重的威胁。明确松材线虫入侵松林内的天牛种类、数目,可以为早期监测松材线虫媒介昆虫和潜在媒介昆虫的种群动态以及预测松材线虫病的发生提供参考。【方法】为了明确天牛广谱型引诱剂、APF I持久增强型松墨天牛高效诱剂、F8型松墨天牛引诱剂及其复配诱芯的诱捕效果,于2019-2020年的5-10月在辽宁省抚顺市的油松林、红松林、落叶松林开展诱捕天牛试验。【结果】将天牛广谱型引诱剂和F8型松墨天牛引诱剂放在同一诱捕器中具有较好引诱效果,每诱捕器捕获的天牛物种数量(油松林18种,红松林14种,共计19种)和天牛样本数量(油松林(18.31±8.86)头/周,红松林(23.44±10.92)头/周)最多。在试验林地共计诱捕到34种共计13307头天牛,其中云杉花墨天牛数量最多,占总诱捕量的67%,褐梗天牛Arhopalus rusticus、锯天牛Prionus insularis、小灰长角天牛Acanthocinus griseus、松皮花天牛Rhagium japonicum分别占总诱捕量的13.2%、6.6%、4.1%和2.7%。【结论】捕获到危害针叶树的天牛8种,包括云杉花墨天牛(优势种)、小灰长角天牛、灰长角天牛Acanthocinus aedilis、褐梗天牛、脊鞘幽天牛Asemum striatum和锯天牛。根据天牛的取食产卵习性推测,小灰长角天牛、灰长角天牛在补充营养的时候可能会传播松材线虫到健康松树上,而褐梗天牛、脊鞘幽天牛和锯天牛羽化成虫后不需补充营养且产卵在衰弱木的树皮缝隙或者表土处,它们有效传播松材线虫的几率较小。 [Objectives]Monochamus saltuarius Gebler,a vector of Bursaphelenchus xylophilus(Steiner&Buhrer)Nickle was discovered in Liaoning province,which indicates the fact that the security of pine forests in northern China is now under serious threat.Identification of species and individuals of cerambycid beetles in pine forests invaded by pine wood nematode can provide references for early monitoring for population dynamics of vector beetles and potential vector beetles and forecast of pine wilt disease’s occurrence.[Methods]To identify the relative effectiveness of cerambycid multi-pheromone components,APF I attractant,F8 attractant and compounds lures,a trapping experiment for longhorn beetles was carried out from May to October in 2019 and 2020,in mature forests of Pinus tabulaeformis,Pinus koraiensis and Larix gmelinii var.principis-rupprechtii in Fushun city,Liaoning province.[Results]Cerambycid multi-pheromone components and F8 attractant in the same trap among all these comparative groups achieved the best performance,due to the fact that each trap of this group captured the highest number of cerambycid beetle species(19 species;18 species in P.tabulaeformis forest and 14 in P.koraiensis forest)and individuals((18.31±8.86)ind./week in P.tabulaeformis forest and(23.44±10.92)ind./week in P.koraiensis forest).The cerambycid beetles trapped in three forests for a grand total include 34 species and 13307 individuals.M.saltuarius accounts for 67%of the all species trapped,with the percentage of Arhopalus rusticus,Prionus insularis,Acanthocinus griseus and Rhagium japonicum being 13.2%,6.6%,4.1%and 2.7%respectively.[Conclusion]Cerambycid multi-pheromone components and F8 attractant in the same trap captured the highest number of longhorn beetle species and individuals,therefore,this is an effective method for monitoring potential longhorn beetle vectors of pine wood nematode.8 species of cerambycid beetles having already been proved to damage pines trees were captured,including M.saltuarius,A.griseus,Acanthocinus aedilis,A.rusticus,Asemum striatum and P.insularis.Based on their feeding and oviposition habits,what can be suspected is that pine wood nematode is more likely to be transmitted to healthy pine trees by A.griseus and A.aedilis rather than by A.rusticus,A.striatum and P.insularis,because the latter three species don’t need to supplement nutrition after eclosion and lay their eggs in bark gaps or in rotten wood,thereby reducing the possibility to spread pine wood nematode.
作者 袁源 任利利 余润 李佳星 石丰铭 曾建华 骆有庆 YUAN Yuan;REN Li-Li;YU Run;LI Jia-Xing;SHI Feng-Ming;ZENG Jian-Hua;LUO You-Qing(Beijing Forestry University,Beijing Key Laboratory for Forest Pest Control,Sino-France Joint Laboratory for Invasive Forest Pests in Eurasia,Beijing 100083,China)
机构地区 北京林业大学
出处 《应用昆虫学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第2期446-456,共11页 Chinese Journal of Applied Entomology
基金 国家重点研发计划“人工林重大灾害防控关键技术研究”(2018YFD0600200) 北京市科技计划“北京生态公益林重大有害生物防控关键技术”(Z191100008519004)。
关键词 松材线虫 云杉花墨天牛 引诱剂 pine wood nematode Monochamus saltuarius lures
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