

Research on Fault Injection Technology Based on Digital Twin
摘要 针对机械设备的故障检测和诊断问题,提出了基于数字孪生的故障注入技术的基本架构和实现流程。以常见齿轮箱中啮合齿轮为例,在分析其振动机制后构建了对应的机制模型。根据物理实体构建了正常状态模型和故障状态模型,并根据故障条件下的信号特征建立了故障空间,为设备状态预测和故障检测创造了条件。 The paper put forward the basic architecture and implementation process of fault injection technology based on digital twins specific to the fault detection and diagnosis of mechanical equipment.Taking the meshing gear in a common gearbox for example,the paper analyzed the mechanism of vibration and established the corresponding model.Besides,the paper also developed models in normal state and fault state based on physical entities,then built the fault space in line with signal characteristics under fault conditions so as to facilitate the state prediction and fault det ection.
作者 杨正琦 慕丽 YANG Zhengqi;MU Li(School of Mechanical Engineering,Shenyang Ligong University,Shenyang 110159,China)
出处 《成组技术与生产现代化》 2022年第1期33-37,共5页 Group Technology & Production Modernization
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(51875368)。
关键词 故障注入 数字孪生 故障空间 可测试性 fault injection digital twins fault space testability
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