

Exploration of the Construction and Application of Simulated Hospitals Under the Background of Medical Education Collaboration
摘要 近年来,国家出台一系列深化“医教协同”医学教育改革意见,旨在增进医教协同合作,解决教学与临床脱节的问题,培养符合临床实际需要的医学人才。医教协同背景下,模拟医院作为教学与临床、教学与考试的过渡和桥梁,在医学生临床能力培养过程中起着越来越重要的作用,国家医师资格考试及各种层次的临床技能培训与考核,也依托各医学院校的模拟医院进行,模拟医院已成为国内高等医学院校进行临床技能教学和考核不可或缺的条件。本校模拟医院的建设,根据本校临床教学的发展需要,以培养提高医学生综合临床能力、突出中医特色为建设目标,十多年来边教学、边建设、边调整,不断摸索和完善,模拟真实医院的环境和建制,在方便教学与考核的同时更贴近临床环境。文章从整体布局、内涵建设与应用方面介绍了湖北中医药大学模拟医院所做的一系列的调整、变革及技能考试创新,并对以后发展提出了一些思考。 In recent years,the state has issued a series of opinions on deepening the "medical education collaboration" medical education reform,aiming to enhance the medical education collaboration,solve the problem of disconnection between teaching and clinical,and cultivate medical talents in line with the actual needs of clinical practice.Under the background of medical education collaboration,simulated hospital,as the transition and bridge between teaching and clinical,teaching and examination,plays a more and more important role in the process of medical students’ clinical ability training.National doctor qualification examination and various levels of clinical skills training and assessment also rely on the simulated hospitals of medical colleges and universities.Simulated hospitals have become domestic medical colleges and universities for clinical skills training It is an indispensable condition for teaching and assessment.According to the needs of the development of clinical teaching in our university,the construction of simulated hospital aims to cultivate and improve the comprehensive clinical ability of medical students and highlight the characteristics of traditional Chinese medicine.In the past ten years,it has been constantly exploring and improving while teaching,constructing and adjusting.It simulates the environment and organizational system of real hospital and is more close to the clinical environment while facilitating teaching and assessment.This paper introduces a series of adjustments,changes and skills examination innovations of Hubei University of traditional Chinese medicine simulation hospital from the aspects of overall layout,connotation construction and application,and puts forward some thoughts on the future development.
作者 胡燕芬 何敢想 李丹 蔡青 吴琪 唐玉琼 宋玉 孙晶晶 HU Yanfen;HE Ganxiang;LI Dan;CAI Qing;WU Qi;TANG Yuqiong;SONG Yu;SUN Jingjing(Clinical Skills Training Center,Hubei University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Wuhan Hubei 430061,China)
出处 《中国继续医学教育》 2022年第10期16-19,共4页 China Continuing Medical Education
基金 湖北省高校省级教学研究项目(2017352)。
关键词 医教协同 模拟医院 整体布局 内涵建设 应用创新 发展方向 教育 medical education collaboration simulated hospital overall layout connotation construction application innovation development direction education
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