

Analysis of posttraumatic growth and its influencing factors in hepatolenticular degeneration
摘要 目的探究肝豆状核变性(WD)患者创伤后成长现状,分析其相关影响因素。方法选取2021年6月至9月间收治于某大学第一附属医院脑病中心100例WD病人作为研究对象。问卷调查采用一般资料调查量表、创伤后成长量表(PTGI)、领悟社会支持量表(PSSS)、医学应对问卷(MCMQ),分析相关数据及其影响因素。结果WD病人PTGI总分为(63.84±13.34)分,处于中等水平;领悟社会支持总分为(62.54±8.07)分;医学应对问卷得分为(60.83±4.16)分;不同年龄、文化程度、住院次数、家庭收入、疾病类型的WD患者创伤后成长得分差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);创伤后成长与领悟社会支持及医学应对方式中的面对应对和回避应对呈正相关(均P<0.05);WD患者的领悟社会支持、医学应对中的面对和回避应对是WD患者创伤后成长的主要影响因素(均P<0.05)。结论WD病人可获得中等程度的创伤后成长。临床医务工作者应重点关注社会支持较弱的病人,根据患者创伤后成长的影响因素,采取个体化的干预措施,有针对性的服务患者,从而增加创伤后成长水平。 Objective To explore the current situation of post-traumatic growth in patients with hepatolenticular degeneration(WD)and analyze its related factors.Methods A total of 100 WD patients admitted to the Encephalopathy Center of the First Affiliated Hospital of a University from June to September 2021 were selected as the research subjects.The questionnaire was used to analysis on the general Data Scale,Post-Trauma Growth Scale(PTGI),Perceived Social Support Scale(PSSS)and Medical Coping Modes Questionnaire(MCMQ).Results The total PTGI score of WD patients was(63.84±13.34),which was in the middle level;The total score of PSSS was(62.54±8.07);The score of MCMQ was(60.83±4.16);There were significant differences in PTGI among WD patients of different ages,educational levels,hospitalization times,family income and disease types(P<0.05);Posttraumatic growth was positively correlated with the understanding of social support and face coping and avoidance coping in medical coping styles(all P<0.05).The main influencing factors of WD patients'post-traumatic growth were perceived social support,face in medical coping and avoidance coping(all P<0.05).Conclusion WD patients can achieve moderate post-traumatic growth Clinical medical workers should focus on patients with weak social support,take individualized intervention measures according to the influencing factors of patients'post-traumatic growth,and provide targeted services to patients,so as to increase the level of post-traumatic growth.
作者 敖琦雪 吴雪兰 韩辉 杨明明 AO Qi-xue(Anhui University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Hefei 230012,China)
出处 《牡丹江医学院学报》 2022年第2期40-44,共5页 Journal of Mudanjiang Medical University
基金 安徽省重点研究和开发计划项目(1804h08020243)。
关键词 肝豆状核变性 创伤后成长 领悟社会支持 医学应对 hepatolenticular degeneratio Post traumatic growth Understand social support Medical response
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