
大学生问题性手机使用的影响因素分析 被引量:3

Influencing factors of problematic mobile phone use of college students
摘要 目的:探讨大学生问题性手机使用的影响因素,为开展大学生心理健康教育和干预提供实证依据。方法:采用方便取样方法,在2021年11月份通过问卷星对国内6543名大一到大四的在校大学生进行在线问卷调查,使用问题性手机使用指数量表(MPAI)、SDT基本心理需要满足量表、清晨型与夜晚型量表-5项(MEQ-5)、青少年时间管理倾向量表(ATMD)、简式自我控制量表(BSCS)、睡眠时间拖延量表、阿森斯失眠量表(AIS)、情绪调节量表(ERQ)、抑郁-焦虑-压力量表(DASS-21)、大学生错失恐惧量表(FoMo)进行施测,其中当受试者在MPAI量表17个条目中有8个以上的肯定回答,即被评定为问题性手机使用。通过描述受试者人口学资料,分析大学生问题性手机使用现状,比较两组心理行为因素。通过二元Logistic回归方法分析问题性手机使用的影响因素。结果:大学生问题性手机使用检出率较高(39.1%);正常手机使用组自我控制得分高于问题性手机使用组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.001);基本心理需要、生物节律、时间价值感、时间效能感、睡眠拖延、睡眠质量、情绪调节、压力、焦虑、抑郁和错失恐惧的得分均低于问题性手机使用组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。自我控制水平高是问题性手机使用的保护性因素(OR=0.774,95%CI:0.756~0.793,P<0.001)。在时间价值感(OR=1.062,95%CI:1.045~1.079,P<0.001)、时间效能感(OR=1.071,95%CI:1.050~1.092,P<0.001)、睡眠拖延(OR=1.114,95%CI:1.098~1.129,P<0.001)、情绪调节(OR=1.027,95%CI:1.018~1.037,P<0.001)、压力(OR=1.047,95%CI:1.010~1.086,P=0.012)以及错失恐惧(OR=1.052,95%CI:1.042~1.063,P<0.001)等方面水平高则为危险因素。结论:大学生的问题性手机使用问题需要早期预防和干预,要同时考虑问题性手机使用行为的矫正和个体心理因素的影响。 Objective:To explore the influencing factors of problematic phone use among college students in order to provide empirical evidence for mental health education and psychological intervention.Methods:A convenient sampling was used to conduct online questionnaire survey in November 2021 among 6543 college students from freshmen to seniors in China,who completed Mobile Phone Addiction Index,Basic Psychological Needs Satisfaction Scale of Self-Determination Theory,Brief Self-Control Scale,Sleep Time Procrastination Scale,Athens Insomnia Scale,Emotion Regulation Questionnaire,Depression Anxiety Stress Scale-21,Fear of Missing Out Scale.When the subjects answered yes to more than 8 items out of 17 in Mobile Phone Addiction Index,they were classified as problematic phone use.Binary logistic regression method was used to analyze the data.Results:Problematic smartphone use was increasing among undergraduates in China.Self-control in normal phone user group was significantly higher than that in problematic phone user group(P<0.001),and basic psychological needs,biorhythm,the sense of time value,the sense of time efficacy,sleep time procrastination,sleep quality,emotion regulation,stress,anxiety,depression and fear of missing out were significantly lower than that in problematic phone user group(P<0.05).The protective factor for problematic phone use was high level of self-control(OR=0.774,95%CI:0.756-0.793,P<0.001).In contrast,the risk factors were high level of sense of time value(OR=1.062,95%CI:1.045-1.079,P<0.001),sense of time effectiveness(OR=1.071,95%CI:1.050-1.092,P<0.001),sleep time procrastination(OR=1.114,95%CI:1.098-1.129,P<0.001),emotion regulation(OR=1.027,95%CI:1.018-1.037,P<0.001),stress(OR=1.047,95%CI:1.010-1.086,P=0.012),and fear of missing out(OR=1.052,95%CI:1.042-1.063,P<0.001).Conclusion:Our findings will aid the early prevention and treatment of problematic smartphone use among college students.Meanwhile,the correction of problematic smartphone use behavior and the influence of individual psychological factors need to be considerded.
作者 叶圣 徐慧慧 徐卓 王亦柔 江燕 张国华 YE Sheng;XU Huihui;XU Zhuo;WANG Yirou;JIANG Yan;ZHANG Guohua(Youth League Committee of Wenzhou Medical University,Wenzhou 325035,China;School of Mental Health,Wenzhou Medical University,Wenzhou 325035,China;School of Economics and Management,Xinyu University,Xinyu 338004,China)
出处 《温州医科大学学报》 2022年第5期410-415,共6页 Journal of Wenzhou Medical University
基金 国家社科基金教育学青年项目(CBA170257)。
关键词 问题性手机使用 大学生 自我控制 情绪 睡眠拖延 时间管理 problematic mobile phone use college students self-control emotion sleep time procrastination time management
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