回顾了德布罗意提出物质波关系式的历史背景。进一步在相对论的基础上直接推导出物质波关系式。新得出的关系式表明 ,真实的空间完全不同于我们在宏观世界所想象出的理想平坦或弯曲空间那样 ,保证不了粒子或物体严格地做匀速直线运动或按照短程线所给出的曲线运动。新得出的物质波关系式表明 。
The history of the establishment of the L.de Broglie relationship is reviewed. Instead of by hypothesis, a new relationship is derived directly from the theory of relativity. The new derivation shows that the real space time is not like which has been thought of in our macrocosm as an ideal flat of curved space time, and it can not ensure the motion of a particle in accordance with the First Law of Newton or according to the geodestic equation. Besides, the new L.de Broglie relationship shows that the motion of particles can cause gravitational field.