Chu Han Chun Qiu is a series of dramas of the court of the Qing Dynasty based on the story of the struggle between Chu and Han.Based on 27 operas of the legendary Qian Jin Ji written by Shen Cai in the Ming Dynasty,the opera adapted the legend in many ways,such as excerpts and adaptations of opera titles,single opera excerpts,partial opera excerpts,story plot excerpts and other compilation methods.At the same time,the compilers also met the needs of the rulers of the Qing Dynasty,and added god and ghost drama,and based on the other operas of previous times,compiled a new 240 operas.At present,the academic circles only mentioned the text source of Chu Han Chun Qiu without detailed discussion.This paper is devoted to the textual origin of Chu Han Chun Qiu,and demonstrates in detail its inheritance relationship with the legendary Qian Jin Ji.
CHENG Chiling(Retirement General Party Branch of CPC,Zhaoqing University,Zhaoqing,Guangdong 526061 China)
Journal of Zhaoqing University