

Effects of in utero exposure to bisphenol A on reproductive and endocrine development of offspring and its epigenetic mechanisms
摘要 双酚A是一种常见的环境内分泌干扰物,作为合成环氧树脂和聚碳酸酯的原料,在日常生活中接触机会很多。随着世界范围内对双酚A使用量的增加,其对人群健康的影响日益受到关注,尤其是生命早期阶段母体暴露对子代生长发育的影响,已成为研究热点。本文从胎盘、生殖系统及内分泌系统的发育方面阐述孕期双酚A暴露对子代的影响及表观遗传学机制,为制定孕期双酚A暴露的标准提供理论依据。 Bis A(BPA) is a common environmental endocrine disruptor,which has been used to make certain plastics and epoxy resins. BPA is also found in daily life. The increase use of BPA worldwide has led to widespread human exposure,and its effects on human health are increasingly concerned, especially the effects of in utero exposure on the growth and development of offspring, which has become an important research focus. In this paper, the effects of in utero exposure to BPA on offspring and its epigenetic mechanisms were reviewed from the aspects of placental,development of reproductive system and endocrine system,in order to provide theoretical basis for formulating the standard of BPA exposure during pregnancy.
作者 杨俏俏 马明月 YANG Qiaoqiao;MA Mingyue(Department of Toxicology,School of Public Health,Shenyang Medical College,Shenyang 110034,China)
出处 《沈阳医学院学报》 2022年第3期225-229,共5页 Journal of Shenyang Medical College
基金 辽宁省自然科学基金指导计划项目(No.2019-ZD-0317)。
关键词 双酚A 孕期暴露 子代 生殖系统 内分泌系统 bisphenol A in utero exposure offspring reproductive system endocrine system
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