The fi nancial industry has always been closely linked with technology,and with the vigorous development of science and technology in China,the empowerment of technology for commercial banks has become an important tool for commercial banks to break through obstacles,upgrade and transform their fi nancial business and innovate and develop.Technology-enabled fi nancial services of commercial banks are more accurate,scenario-based and intelligent,which will continue to strengthen the financial capability of commercial banks in China,and the innovation and development of fi ntech products of commercial banks has become the trend of joint eff orts of commercial banks and the fi nancial industry in China.Commercial banks in China have an important position in the development of the market economy,and commercial banks operate a variety of fi nancial assets;commercial banks have been closely integrated with the application of fi ntech for a long time in order to improve their competitiveness and infl uence,but the application of fi ntech products in commercial banks in China also has many risks and hidden dangers,which is both an opportunity and a challenge for commercial banks.How to analyze the risks of commercial banks’application of fi ntech products in detail and formulate various solutions and preventive strategies for diff erent risks are strict requirements for commercial banks.When commercial banks are able to prevent the risks of fi ntech applications with the rapidly developing fi nance,the position of commercial banks in China’s economic development will be greatly enhanced.Based on this,this article will study the risks and hidden dangers of commercial banks in China and propose practical risk prevention strategies.
ZHAO Dan(Xuzhou Vocational Technology Academy of Finance&Economics Xuzhou,Jiangsu 221000)
China Journal of Commerce
commercial banks
fi ntech applications
preventive strategies
the development of banks