
桌面多功能数控激光雕刻机设计与制作 被引量:2

Desktop multifunctional CNC laser engraving machine
摘要 桌面多功能数控激光雕刻机是以Arduino单片机为核心,通过计算机数字信息控制步进马达与激光雕刻头进行数控加工的一个小型数控机床,它能够实现精准的数字控制加工刀具的位移,从而实现高效自动化以及高精度数控图案加工。并且在此基础上增加一个轴使其能够进行曲面雕刻,使雕刻机既可平面雕刻又可以在曲面雕刻。 Table top multi-function CNC laser engraving machine is a small CNC machine which is based on Arduino single-chip microcomputer and uses computer digital information to control step motor and laser engraving head for CNC machining.It can realize precise digital control of the displacement of machining tools,thus realizing high-efficiency automation and high-precision CNC pattern processing.On this basis,an axis is added to make it possible to carve the surface,so that the engraving machine can carve both on the plane and on the surface.
作者 孔志勇 王小强 Kong Zhiyong;Wang Xiaoqiang(School of intelligent and information engineering,Shandong University of traditional Chinese medicine,Jinan Shandong,250000)
出处 《电子测试》 2022年第7期36-38,共3页 Electronic Test
基金 山东中医药大学2021年教学改革团队项目(JG2021028)。
关键词 数控 激光雕刻 多功能 CNC laser engraving multi-function
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