
再生稻田温室气体排放特征及碳足迹 被引量:19

Field greenhouse gas emission characteristics and carbon footprint of ratoon rice
摘要 研究中国东南区域不同稻作方式对水稻生产过程中稻田温室气体排放特征及其碳足迹的影响,对促进水稻可持续生产有重要意义。本研究以当前推广的常规稻‘佳辐占’和杂交中稻‘甬优2640’为材料,构建4种适合福建不同生态类型区的稻作模式:1)双季稻,早稻和晚稻均种植佳辐占(D-J);2)早熟再生稻,头季稻和再生季稻均种植佳辐占(R-J);3)中熟再生稻,头季稻和再生季稻均种植甬优2640(R-Y);4)单季晚稻,与中熟再生季稻同期抽穗的单季晚稻,种植甬优2640(S-Y)。采用密闭静态暗箱观测法和气相色谱法分别收集并检测稻田土壤温室气体排放量,借用生命周期法对不同稻作方式产生的直接和间接温室气体排放总量(即碳足迹)进行数据采集与比较分析。结果表明:不同稻作方式稻田温室气体排放特征均表现为生育前期排放量较低,到孕穗期前后达到高峰后又下降,即全生育期呈前高后低的双峰曲线,其中早稻或头季稻达到的第1个峰值较相应晚稻或再生季稻的第2个峰值高。不同稻作模式稻田温室气体排放总量差异显著。各种植模式全球增温潜势(GWP)表现为:R-Y>D-J>S-Y>R-J,温室气体排放强度(GHGI)表现为:D-J>S-Y>R-Y>R-J;与双季稻模式相比,佳辐占再生稻模式GWP和GHGI分别降低26.1%和14.1%;与同期抽穗的单季晚稻相比,甬优2640再生季稻稻田GWP和GHGI分别降低74.3%和56.7%。不同稻作模式下水稻单位产量碳足迹为0.38~1.08 kg CO_(2)-eq.·kg^(-1),其中双季稻模式下最高,再生稻模式下甬优2640的单位产量碳足迹最低。不同稻作模式产生的碳足迹主要来源于CH_(4),其贡献率高达44.2%~71.5%。可见,再生稻种植模式能显著降低水稻全球增温潜势和碳排放强度。选用高产低碳排放的水稻优良品种并配套科学栽培技术,是有效降低稻田CH_(4)排放量和碳足迹、促进再生稻生产可持续发展的关键。 It is of great significance to understand the effects of different rice cultivation methods in southeast China on greenhouse gas emission characteristics and carbon footprint of paddy fields during rice cultivation for rice sustainable production.In this study,the popular conventional rice‘Jiafuzhan’and hybrid rice‘Yongyou 2640’were used as materials to establish four rice cultivation patterns suitable for different ecological types in Fujian Province:1)double-cropping system,early rice and late rice with Jiafuzhan(D-J);2)early maturing ratooning system,first season rice and ratooning season rice with Jiafuzhan(R-J);3)middle-maturing ratooning system,first season rice and ratooning season with Yongyou 2640(R-Y);and 4)single cropping system with Yongyou 2640(S-Y),which should be synchronized in heading time with the counterpart(the ratooning season rice).Greenhouse gas emissions from paddy soil were measured by the closed static black box observation method and the gas chromatography method,respectively.The total direct and indirect greenhouse gas emissions(carbon footprints)from different rice farming patterns were evaluated by using the life cycle analysis.The results showed that greenhouse gas emissions in different rice cropping systems were lower in the early growth stage,then decreased after reaching the peak at the booting stage,demonstrating a double peak curve in the whole growth stage,in which the first peak was higher in early season or first season than the second peak in the late season or ratooning season in the cropping patterns.Moreover,the total greenhouse gas emissions were significantly different among cropping systems.The global warming potential(GWP)of different cropping patterns was in order of R-Y>D-J>S-Y>R-J,while the annual greenhouse gas emission intensity(GHGI)was D-J>S-Y>R-Y>R-J.GWP and GHGI of the ratooning system decreased by 26.1%and 14.1%,respectively,compared with those of the double-cropping system.The same pattern was observed in the ratooning rice of Yongyou 2640,which were decreased by 74.3%and 56.7%,respectively,compared with the counterpart,Yongyou 2640 in a single-cropping system synchronized heading.Carbon footprint of rice per unit yield ranged from 0.38-1.08 kg CO_(2)-eq.·kg^(-1) under the different cropping systems,of which the carbon footprint of rice per unit yield was the highest under the double cropping system compared with that under other cropping systems.The reverse was true in the case of carbon footprint of rice per unit yield under the ratooning system with Yongyou 2640.Additionally,the main source of carbon footprint of different rice cropping patterns was CH_(4),contributing 44.2%-71.5%,suggesting that rice ratooning system could significantly reduce global warming potential and carbon emission intensity of rice in comparison with other cropping patterns.Therefore,it is key to select rice varieties with high yield and low carbon emission and to establish the supporting scientific cultivation techniques for effective reduction of CH_(4) emission and carbon footprint of paddy fields and promotion of ratooning rice production.
作者 林志敏 李洲 翁佩莹 吴冬青 邹京南 庞孜钦 林文雄 LIN Zhi-min;LI Zhou;WENG Pei-ying;WU Dong-qing;ZOU Jing-nan;PANG Zi-qin;LIN Wen-xiong(Institute of Agroecology,College of Life Sciences,Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University,Fuzhou 350002,China;Subtropical Agriculture Research Institute,Fujian Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Zhangzhou 363005,Fujian,China;College of Life Sciences,Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University/Fujian Key Laboratory for Agroecological Processes and Safety Monitoring,Fuzhou 350002,China)
出处 《应用生态学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第5期1340-1351,共12页 Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology
基金 国家科技重点研究专项(2016YFD0300508,2017YFD0301602,2018YFD0301105) 闽台种植资源创制与绿色栽培协调创新中心项目(福建2011项目,2015-75) 福建农林大学科技发展基金项目(KF2015043)资助。
关键词 稻作模式 再生稻 双季稻 全球增温潜势 温室气体排放强度 碳足迹 rice cropping pattern ratooning rice double cropping rice global warming potential greenhouse gas emission intensity carbon footprint
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