The unique political path and the leading core position of the CPC in national political life determine that we must adhere to its comprehensive leadership in promoting the modernization of national governance in the new era.“Two together and two sharing”,means being together with the people,working together,and standing together through all happiness and hardships.It not only defines the value orientation of promoting the modernization of national governance under the leadership of the Party,but also points out its space-time dimension,practical path and political orientation.From the perspective of space-time logic,“two together and two sharing”provokes the necessity to fully consider the new changes of space-time situation,and adhere to the same frequency between the Party’s leadership and the modernization of national governance in the dual dimensions of time and space.From the perspective of practical logic,“two together and two sharing”promotes the same direction of strengthening the Party’s leadership and promoting the modernization of national governance in its political development,improving the CPC’s leadership efficiency.From the perspective of institutional logic,“two together and two sharing”gives full play to the institutional advantages of socialism with Chinese characteristics through the institutional integration and the modernization of national governance,so as to provide a solid guarantee for the improvement of the Party’s leadership efficiency of achieving the modernization of national governance institutionally.
HUANG Jian-jun(School of Marxism,Beijing Normal University,Beijing 100875,China)
Journal of Shanxi Normal University(Social Science Edition)
“two together and two sharing”
Party leadership
the modernization of national governance
the socialist system with Chinese characteristics