
基于手机信令数据的合肥市郊区职住空间特征研究 被引量:7

Spatial characteristics of workplace and residence in suburbs of Hefei City based on cell phone signaling data
摘要 针对郊区职住空间特征展开深入研究,是探索城乡功能空间关系的重要途径,对于化解城乡二元结构矛盾、实现城乡统筹发展有重要意义。本研究聚焦安徽省合肥市郊区,利用覆盖市域范围的手机信令数据,识别郊区职住人口,开展郊区职住空间的分布格局与特征的可视化分析,进而以职住偏离指数、自足性指数和空间错位指数剖析不同空间尺度下的郊区职住空间匹配合理程度,讨论合肥市郊区与中心城区的职住关系。研究结果显示,合肥市郊区以居住功能为主导,职住空间分布总体呈现不均衡状态;仅少数远郊乡镇的职住一体化程度较高;大多数近郊乡镇街道职住功能不匹配,与中心城区存在职住功能互补关系。 Reasonable matching of workplace and residence space is a difficult problem that urban re⁃searchers have been focusing on for a long time,and suburbs are one of the most prominent regional spaces for matching the workplace and residence.In-depth research on the characteristics of workplace and resi⁃dence space in the suburbs is an important way to explore the spatial relationship of urban and rural func⁃tions.It is of great significance for resolving the contradiction of the dual structure of urban and rural areas and realizing the overall development of urban and rural areas.This article focuses on the suburbs of Hefei City,uses cell phone signaling data covering the whole city area to identify suburban working and residen⁃tial populations,and develops a visual analysis of the distribution pattern and characteristics of the work⁃place and residence space in suburbs,and then uses the jobs-housing self-containment index,jobs-housing balance index and spatial mismatch index to analyze the reasonable degree of matching of suburban work⁃place and residence space under different spatial scales,and discusses the relationship between the work⁃place and residence space in the suburbs and the central areas of Hefei City.Results of qualitative and quan⁃titative analyses showed that the suburbs of Hefei City were dominated by residential functions,and the spatial distribution of the workplace and residence space was generally uneven.Only a few towns in remote suburban had a high degree of integrating the space of workplace and residence.Most of the suburban town⁃ships and streets did not match the functions of workplace and residence,and the central area and the sub⁃urbs had a complementary relationship in spatial function.In the future,it is still necessary to further com⁃bine multi-source data to explore scientific factors affecting the distribution of the workplace and residence space in suburban areas and methods for optimizing spatial layout.
作者 陈静媛 张云彬 王诚 朱萌 CHEN Jingyuan;ZHANG Yunbin;WANG Cheng;ZHU Meng(School of Forestry and Landscape Architecture,Anhui Agricultural University,Hefei 230036,China)
出处 《华中农业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第3期35-46,共12页 Journal of Huazhong Agricultural University
基金 2020年度安徽省重点研发项目(202004a06020014)。
关键词 手机信令 人口出行 职住空间 城市郊区 城乡互动 职住平衡 城乡统筹 cell phone signaling population travel workplace and residence space suburbs urban-ru⁃ral interaction job-housing balance urban-rural co-ordination
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