
高质量发展视野下省域高校办学水平综合考核探析 被引量:3

On the Comprehensive Assessment of the Running Level of Provincial Universities from the Perspective of High-quality Development
摘要 近年来,上海、江苏、山东等省(自治区、直辖市)先后开展省域高校综合考核,贵州等省域也即将开展。该考核是在高校内涵发展、高质量发展的背景下产生的新型评价,包括高等教育高质量发展两个维度的内涵,即高等教育自身的高质量发展和高等教育服务经济社会高质量发展。省级政府是高校综合考核的发起者,意在升级高等教育系统内外协同的关系,既为省域高等教育发展创设更好的外部环境,也为经济社会发展提供高等教育的动力。然而,综合考核出现了偏差,如削弱高质量发展的“发展性”、有违发展的“高质量”方式、弱化高质量发展的高校主体性特征等。针对这些偏差,建议从升级评价模式、引领高校自身高质量发展、推动高校服务区域经济社会高质量发展等方面,进一步优化综合考核。 In recent years, comprehensive assessments of provincial universities have been successively carried out in Shanghai, Jiangsu, Shandong and other provinces(autonomous regions and municipalities), and Guizhou and other provinces are about to be launched soon. This assessment is a new form of evaluation that appears against the background of the connotation development and high-quality development of colleges and universities. It includes the connotation of the two dimensions of high-quality development of higher education, that is, the high-quality development of higher education itself and the high-quality development of higher education serving the economic society. The provincial government is the initiator of the comprehensive assessment of colleges and universities. Its purpose is to build a collaborative relationship between the internal and the external of the higher education system,to create a good external economic environment and conditions for the development of provincial higher education,and also to provide a driving force for higher education for economic and social development. However, there are deviations in the comprehensive assessment, such as weakening the “developmentality” of high-quality development, violating the “high-quality” mode of development, and weakening the subjective characteristics of colleges and universities with high-quality development. In view of these deviations, it is recommended to further optimize the comprehensive assessment from the aspects of upgrading the evaluation model, leading the highquality development of colleges and universities themselves, and promoting the high-quality development of colleges and universities in serving the region.
作者 陈婕 Chen Jie(Nanjing Audit University,Nanjing 211815)
出处 《当代教育论坛》 北大核心 2022年第3期10-18,共9页 forum on contemporary education
基金 江苏省教育科学“十四五”规划2021年度重点课题“我国大学选修制发展困境及其疏解”(编号:B/2021/01/05)的阶段性研究成果。
关键词 高质量发展 省域高校 综合考核 high-quality development provincial universities comprehensive assessment
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