

Clinical summary of removal of high-risk cardiac implantable electronic devices using hybrid technique
摘要 目的:总结回顾杂交技术处理心内植入型电子装置(CIED)相关并发症的临床效果。方法:回顾性分析2012年5月—2018年12月因CIED相关感染或电极穿孔在我院应用择期杂交技术(小切口开胸直视心脏结合透视下经静脉拔除心内导线)行CIED拔除病例为研究组(杂交组,29例),回顾分析入选人群的病例资料。并以同期行择期常规正中开胸体外循环下去除CIED病例作为对照组(常规组,17例)。结果:29例病例中,采用半胸骨劈开18例(62.1%),左前外侧5肋间切口7例(24.1%),全胸骨劈开2例(6.9%),全胸腔镜辅助2例(6.9%),术中中转正中开胸2例(6.9%)。相较于常规组,杂交组并不增加右心耳出血、三尖瓣反流、电极残留、肺栓塞等主要并发症风险(P>0.05),表现出更少的出血(100 mL vs 600 mL,P=0.033)和用血量(0 U vs 8 U,P<0.001),更短的机械通气时间(5.0 h vs 12.0 h,P=0.024)和术后监护时间(16.5 h vs 44.5 h,P=0.045),术后住院时间也大大缩短[(15.41±9.30)d vs(32.29±13.61)d,P=0.029]。杂交组住院期间无死亡病例。结论:在有条件的单位,对于经某些静脉拔除CIED高危患者或者同期需要行心外膜永久起搏器植入患者,采用杂交技术处理是安全且有效的。 Objective:To summarize the clinical results of hybrid technique in the treatment of complications related to cardiac implantable electronic devices(CIED).Methods:Twenty-nine patients who underwent CIED extirpation due to CIED-related infection or electrode perforation from 2012.5 to 2018.12 in our center were included(hybrid group,n=29).The case data of the selected population were analyzed retrospectively.Results:Among the 29 cases,semi-sternum split in 18 cases(62.1%),left anterolateral incision in 7 cases(24.1%),total thoracotomy in 2 cases(6.9%),total thoracoscopy assisted in 2 cases(6.9%).Extra median thoracotomy was performed in 2 cases(6.9%).Compared with patients undergoing conventional cardiopulmonary bypass(control group,n=17),the hybrid group did not increase the risk of major complications such as right atrial tearing,acute tricuspid regurgitation,electrode residue,and pulmonary embolism(P>0.05)It showed less bleeding(100 mL vs 600 mL,P=0.033),blood transfusion(0 U vs 8 U,P<0.001),shorter mechanical ventilation time(5.0 h vs 12.0 h,P=0.024)and ICU time(16.5 h vs 44.5 h,P=0.045)in the hybrid group.The postoperative hospital stay was also greatly shortened[(15.41±9.30)d vs(32.29±13.61)d,P=0.029].There was no death during hospitalization in the hybrid group.Conclusion:The hybrid technique is safe and effective for patients with high risk of CIED extraction or patients who need permanent epicardial pacemaker implantation at the same time.
作者 高卿 刘晶 昃峰 段江波 李学斌 刘刚 GAO Qing;LIU Jing;ZE Feng;DUAN Jiangbo;LI Xuebin;LIU Gang(Department of Cardiac Surgery,People's Hospital,Peking University,Beijing,100044,China;Department of Cardiology,People's Hospital,Peking University,Beijing,100044,China)
出处 《临床心血管病杂志》 CAS 北大核心 2022年第4期336-339,共4页 Journal of Clinical Cardiology
关键词 心内植入型电子装置 并发症 杂交技术 cardiac implantable electronic devices complication hybrid
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