
北大汉简《妄稽》以夫妇喻君臣寓意新探 被引量:1

The New Study of Implied Sense of Wang Ji on the Bamboo Slips in the Han Dynasty of Peking University
摘要 北京大学藏西汉竹书有一篇《妄稽》被学界认为是汉代俗赋,研究者一般肯定其具有劝诫作用,主要劝诫妇人勿妒。《妄稽》属西汉文人所作赋,作者身份应为能言善辩的滑稽之流。西汉初中期的赋为文目的必与政治相关,联系汉武帝时期的历史事实来看,本赋当不止于闲话家常之作,其用意具有以夫妇喻君臣的政教作用,主要用来讽谕帝王慎于爱憎,警惕新兴的文学侍从。品德及外貌皆完美无瑕的周春实喻帝王,妄稽则喻帝王身边敢于直谏的社稷之臣,而虞士则喻帝王身边的新兴势力,特别是刀笔吏出身的侍从之臣。赋中妄稽与虞士的对立代表着帝王身边两种势力的斗争。正是因为现实中传统保守势力的失败,《妄稽》文本不能流传进而成为随葬品。因为现存简文缺失了结尾部分,致使我们无法窥见其真相。 Collected by Peking University,Wang Ji on the bamboo slips in the Western Han Dynasty has been considered by the academic community as a piece of vulgar writing in the Han Dynasty.Researchers have generally recognized its exhortatory role in advising women not to be jealous.Wang Ji is a piece of the Han Fu-poetry composed by a literatus who might be eloquent in the Western Han Dynasty.In the early to middle period of the Western Han Dynasty,a piece of the Han Fu-poetry must be politically relevant.Based on the historical facts during the reign of Emperor Wu,this piece of the Han Fu-poetry would have been more than daily chitchat.Its main idea was to play a role in political education by projecting the relationship between the emperor and ministers onto the relationship between husband and wife.This piece of Han Fu-poetry could be read as an allegory for the emperor,warning him to be careful with emotions such as joy and disgust,and to be wary of emerging literary retinues.Zhou Chun whose character and appearance are flawless,Wang Ji and Yu Shi represent respectively the emperor,the ministers who dare to advise him,and the emerging forces,especially those ministers who once served as pettifoggers.Wang Ji and Yu Shi have opposing views,suggesting the conflicts between the two forces in the court.With the defeat of the conservatives,Wang Ji could not be handed down and thus became a part of grave goods.As the last part of the the Han Fu-poetry is missing,we may never know the truth of Wang Ji.
作者 常昭 孙明慧 Chang Zhao;Sun Minghui(College of Literature,University of Jinan,Jinan,China)
机构地区 济南大学文学院
出处 《社会科学论坛》 2022年第3期51-61,共11页 Tribune of Social Sciences
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究规划基金项目《北京大学藏西汉竹书文学研究》阶段性成果,项目编号:17YJA751004。
关键词 北大汉简 汉赋 《妄稽》 讽谕 bamboo slips in the Han Dynasty of Peking University Han Fu-poetry Wang Ji allegory
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