

The Impact of American Public Opinion on Its East Asian Policy during Hoover Administration
摘要 1929年到1933年的全球经济大衰败是“满洲危机”发生的国际大背景,同时也是西方各国政府和人民对东亚国际事务漠视的主要原因。九一八事变后,影响美国东亚政策制定的舆论力量主要包括国内媒体的态度,和平主义运动,公众对日本侵华的反应以及学者对中国形象的塑造。这使得胡佛政府时期美国的东亚政策显现出摇摆、妥协、退让的特点,具体表现为对“门户开放”政策的坚持和与国联的合作以及史汀生“不承认”政策的形成。 The global economic recession from 1929 to 1933 became not only the international background of the“Manchurian crisis”,but also the main reason why Western governments and people ignored the Far Eastern affairs.After the Manchurian Incident,various factors such as the attitude of domestic media,peace movement,the public response to the Japanese invasion of China and the scholars’image-buildings of China have constituted the public opinion which influenced the policy-making process of US towards the East Asia.All of these factors have made the East Asian policy during the Hoover administration show the characteristics like swing,compromise and concession,which have the concrete manifestation as the adherence to“the open-door policy”,the cooperation with the League of Nations and the“non-recognition”policy by Stimson.
作者 惠春琳 HUI Chun-lin(Institute of International Strategy ,Party School of Central Committee ofP.C.,Beijing 100091)
出处 《延安大学学报(社会科学版)》 2022年第3期103-112,共10页 Journal of Yan'an University (Social Sciences Edition)
关键词 胡佛政府 九一八事变 公众舆论 东亚政策 the Hoover administration the Manchurian Incident public opinion East Asia policy
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