
标准与知识产权协同推进人工智能产业创新生态演进的机制与路径 被引量:5

Mechanism and Path of Collaborative Promotion of Artificial In⁃telligence Industry Innovation Ecology Evolution by Standards and Intellectual Property
摘要 第四次工业革命的到来加速了各产业间以人工智能技术为核心的创新生态构建,人工智能技术和新型业态正在改写全球产业的竞争格局,其中由知识产权裹挟的技术标准先行已成为人工智能产业创新生态构建的新型竞争规则。鉴于在人工智能产业创新生态构建方面的不足,我国亟须在标准与自主知识产权布局方面有所突破,尝试从标准与知识产权协同推进视角构建人工智能产业创新生态。为此,在分析我国人工智能产业创新生态内涵和演化进程的基础上,探讨开放式创新环境下标准主导机制、知识产权独占机制与联盟载体互补机制在人工智能产业创新生态演进中的协同交互作用,提出技术创新型、数字赋能型、融合再造新业态型3类推动人工智能产业创新生态系统演进的路径,以期为推动我国人工智能产业创新发展提供有益参考。 The arrival of the fourth Industrial Revolution has accelerated the construction of innovation ecology with artificial intelligence technology as the core among various industries.Artificial intelligence technology and new forms of business are rewriting the global industrial competition pattern.Among them,the technical standards of intellectual property rights have first become the new competition rules for the construction of artificial intelligence industry inno⁃vation ecology.Given that China still has shortcomings in the construction of the innovation eco⁃system of the AI industry,it is urgent to make breakthroughs in the layout of standards and inde⁃pendent intellectual property rights.Therefore,as expected to build on the basis of previous re⁃sults,this study comprehensively explores the interactive mechanism and evolution path of tech⁃nological standards and intellectual property to promote the evolution of AI industry innovation ecosystem.The following study was conducted for this purpose.First of all,the connotation of artificial intelligence industry innovation extension and theoretical framework are formed by means of lit⁃erature research.The innovation ecosystem of artificial intelligence industry is a complex system of multi dimensional interaction,multi-structure and multi-stage symbiosis,competition and coopera⁃tion formed through the synergy of the leading mechanism of technical standards,the exclusive mechanism of intellectual property rights and the complementary mechanism of alliance carrier.The artificial intelligence industry innovation ecosystem is a complex system of multi dimensional interaction,multiple architecture and multi-stage symbiosis,competition and coop⁃eration formed through the synergy of technical standard leading mechanism,intellectual prop⁃erty ownership mechanism and alliance carrier complementary mechanism,and organically linked by standard chain,innovation chain and industrial chain.At the same time,retrospecting the development of artificial intelligence industry more than 70 years,it is summarized that the global artificial intelligence industry technology standards have gone through four generations of the basic common standard,network support standard,key technical standards,products and service application standards and so on.The standard subject is constantly diversified and rich,leading the technology innovation and development of artificial intelligence industry.Second,the promotion of the leading mechanism of artificial intelligence standards brings about the synergistic interaction between the exclusive mechanism of intellec⁃tual property and the complementary mechanism of collaborative interaction.Through the case analysis,this study explores the differences in the functions of the three mechanisms and their synergistic development and evolution characteristics in the basic layer,intelligence layer and application layer of artificial intelligence respectively.Finally,under the action of the standard leading mechanism and the intellectual property exclusive mechanism and the complementary mechanism of the alliance carrier,the AI industry innovation ecosystem has formed three evolu⁃tion paths of technological innovation,digital empowerment and new business mode of fusion and reconstruction,in order to provide useful reference for promoting the innovation and develop⁃ment of China's AI industry.In conclusion,this research summarizes the connotation of the artificial intelligence indus⁃try innovation ecology and standard evolution characteristics,analyzes the interaction mecha⁃nism of basic community,technical standards,intellectual property rights and alliance carrier to promote the digital industry innovation ecological development,and finally puts forward different development paths for basic community,intelligent community and application community,which can enrich the related theory of digital industry innovation ecosystem and provide impor⁃tant theoretical value and practical guiding significance for promoting the"high-end climb"for the value chain of the artificial intelligence industry and enhancing the international competitive⁃ness.
作者 王黎萤 赵春苗 高鲜鑫 王举铎 Wang Liying;Zhao Chunmiao;Gao Xianxin;Wang Juduo(China Institute for Small and Medium Enterprises,Zhejiang University of Technology,Hangzhou 310023,China)
出处 《创新科技》 2022年第5期30-41,共12页 Innovation science and technology
基金 国家社科基金重大招标项目“技术标准与知识产权协同推进数字产业创新的机理与路径研究”(19ZDA078)。
关键词 人工智能产业 创新生态 标准 知识产权 联盟载体 协同推进 artificial intelligence industries innovation ecology standard intellectual prop⁃erty alliance carrier synergy propulsion
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