

The Current Situation and Solution of the differential Protection of Property Rights in China
摘要 保护私有财产权的呼声随着非公有制经济的发展逐渐提高并被写入了宪法和法律规范。但是坚持以公有制为主体的宪法规范导致国有、集体、私人的财产权必然处于差别地位,并具体表现在形式的不平等、实质的不平等和相互转化的不平等三个方面。这种差别地位直接影响到立法、行政、司法等各领域的具体判断,而在行政征收和涉私营经济案件中相关矛盾尤为显著。由于调整民事领域法律关系的私法规范所能承担的功能有限,依赖过去《物权法》与现行《民法典》的平等保护原则无法从根本上扭转这一现状。在宪法规范的内在矛盾尚未完全调和的情况下,依赖下位法立法以及行政执法与司法审查的个案应对和事后纠偏往往收效不佳。要实现财产权的平等保护,应由国家权力机关及其常设机关履行法定职权,特别是积极行使宪法解释权并主导相关法律规范的制定。地方各级人大亦应通过行使决定权和监督权及时主动地介入私有财产权的保护和救济。 With the development of non-public economy,the voice of protecting private property rights has been gradually raised and written into the Constitution and legal norms.However,adhering to the constitutional norms with public ownership as the main body leads to the different status of stateowned,collective and private property rights,which is embodied in three aspects:formal inequality,substantive inequality and mutual transformation inequality.This kind of differential status directly affects the specific judgment in the legislative,administrative,judicial and other fields,especially in the cases of administrative expropriation and private economy.Due to the limited function of the private law norms to adjust the legal relations in the civil field,relying on the principle of equal protection in the pastProperty Lawand the current Civil Codecan not fundamentally reverse this situation.When the internal contradictions of constitutional norms have not been fully reconciled,the case response and post correction relying on subordinate law legislation,administrative law enforcement and judicial review are often ineffective.To realize the equal protection of property rights,the state power organs and their permanent organs should perform their statutory functions and powers,especially actively exercise the power of constitutional interpretation and lead the formulation of relevant legal norms.Local people’s congresses at all levels should also take the initiative to intervene in the protection and relief of private property rights through the exercise of decision-making power and supervision power.
作者 杨官鹏 Yang Guanpeng
出处 《人权研究(辑刊)》 2021年第2期126-156,522,523,共33页 Journal of Human Rights
关键词 财产权 平等保护 宪法规范 人大职权 Property Rights Equal Protection Constitutional Norms Functions and Powers of the NPC
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