
面向国家科技竞争战略的情报赋能研究——以应对美国涉华科技竞争战略为例 被引量:11

Research on Intelligence Empowering the National Science and Technology Competition Strategy:Taking the USA’s Technology Competition Strategy Against China as an Example
摘要 [目的/意义]为获得对抗优势,以把握美对华科技竞争战略走向为依据,深入探寻优化我国科技情报事业发展的路径,对实现情报支撑决策最优化和科技竞争效果最大化具有现实意义。[研究设计/方法]通过网络调研和内容分析法,梳理了美国拜登政府以及相关智库涉华科技竞争战略的实施与研究动向,总结美国对华科技竞争战略的主要特点;构建应对美国涉华科技竞争战略的情报赋能模型,提出我国面向大国科技竞争的情报赋能路径建设。[结论/发现]面向大国科技竞争的科技情报教育需要坚持创新与发展并行的理念,丰富情报人才培养模式;科技情报理论研究需要实现多学科融合的理论创新;科技情报工作则需提高战略定位,加强情报服务平台建设,形成共生、共存和共进的生态情报体系能力系统。[创新/价值]以美国涉华科技竞争的最新战略动向为现实依据,以解析情报赋能国家科技安全与创新发展为理论基础,提出面向大国科技竞争的情报赋能建设路径,为未来我国国家科技战略的创新与发展提供了相应的建设依据。 [Purpose/Significance]In order to gain a confrontational advantage,this study make an in-depth exploration and optimization of the path of the development of China’s scientific and technological information on the basis of grasping the strategic trend of the USA’s technological competition with China.[Design/Methodology]Through online research and content analysis,this article sorted out the implementation and research trends of the Biden administration and related think tank’s technology competition strategy against China,and summarized the main characteristics of their strategies.An intelligence empowerment model was also constructed to deal with China-related technology competition strategies.Finally,it proposed the construction of intelligence empowerment path for China’s science and technology information industry to face more competition from major powers.[Findings/Conclusion]Facing the scientific and technological competition from big countries,China’s science and technology information education needs to adhere to the concept of parallel innovation and development,and enrich the training mode of intelligence talents;The theoretical research of scientific and technological information needs to realize the theoretical innovation of multi-disciplinary integration;the scientific and technological information work also needs to improve the strategic positioning,strengthen the construction of the information service platform,and form a symbiotic,coexisting and co-progressive ecological intelligence system capability system.[Originality/Value]Based on the latest strategic trends of the USA’s science and technology competition against China,and the theoretical basis of intelligence empowering national science and technology security and innovation development,this paper proposed a construction path for intelligence empowerment facing the science and technology competition from major powers.It also provides the corresponding construction basis for the future innovation and development of China’s national science and technology strategy.
作者 陈美华 王延飞 CHEN Meihua;WANG Yanfei
出处 《图书情报知识》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第2期73-82,共10页 Documentation,Information & Knowledge
基金 国家社科基金重大项目“面向国家战略的情报学教育与发展研究”(20&ZD332) 国家社科基金项目“情报刻画的理论与实践研究”(21BTQ009)的研究成果之一。
关键词 情报赋能 科技情报 科技竞争战略 科技联盟 科技生命周期 Intelligence empowerment Scientific and technological information Scientific and technological competition strategy Technology alliance Technology life cycle
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