
全球主要海水养殖国家生产特征分析及其与中国平均价格的比较分析 被引量:1

Analysis on the production characteristics of major mariculture countries in the world and its comparison with the average price of mariculture products in China
摘要 海水养殖是全球水产养殖的重要组成部分,分析主要海水养殖国家和地区种类、产量特征,对于促进我国海水养殖业结构优化具有重要启示。通过检索筛选2010—2019年产量位居前10位的海水养殖国家及其主要养殖种类,构建主体集中度和种类集中度指标,并对不同种类的中国平均价格与该种类平均价格进行比较分析。主要结论显示,主体集中度平均值为92.66%,其中,贝类种类中国养殖平均产量占全球前10位国家平均产量的比重达到90.54%,远高于在其他4个种类下中国养殖产量对主体集中度的贡献程度。种类集中度平均值为82.56%,其中鱼类集中度最低,仅为71.69%,说明全球海水养殖鱼类不同种类的产量更分散。非中国特有的海水养殖种类中,平均价格劣势显著的种类为麒麟菜属(Eucheuma)海藻、江蓠属(Gracilaria)海藻、凡纳滨对虾(Penaeus vannamei)、裙带菜(Undaria pinnatifida)和硬骨鱼纲(Osteichthyes)鱼类,平均价格优势显著的种类为鲍属(Haliotis)贝类、石斑鱼属(Epinephelus)鱼类、鲷科(Sparidae)鱼类、日本囊对虾(Penaeus japonicas)、红鳍东方鲀(Takifugu rubripes)和鲽科(Pleuronectidae)鱼类。提出稳定可食用海水养殖产品市场供给能力,加强重点养殖种类产业预警研究等建议,为海水养殖业实现高质量发展提供决策依据。 Mariculture is an important part of aquaculture in the world,analyzing the species and yield characteristics of major mariculture countries and regions has important enlightenment for promoting the structural optimization of mariculture in China.This study constructed the indicators of subject concentration and species concentration during 2010—2019,and compared the average price of different species in China with the average price of the same species from the top 10 mariculture countries and regions and their main aquaculture species by searching and screening.The results showed that the average value of subject concentration was 92.66%.Among the shellfish species,the average output of aquaculture in China accounted for 90.54%of the average output of the top 10 countries in the world,which was much higher than the contribution of the other four species to the subject concentration.The average species concentration was 82.56%,the species concentration was the lowest,only 71.69%,indicating that different species production of mariculture fish and other species in the world was more dispersed.Among the non-Chinese unique mariculture species,the average price disadvantage of Eucheuma,Gracilaria,Penaeus vannamei,Undaria pinnatifida and Osteichthyes was significant,while the average price advantage of Haliotis,Epinephelus,Sparidae,Penaeus japonicas,Takifugu rubripes and Pleuronectidae was significant.Suggestions on stabilizing the effective market supply capacity of edible mariculture products,and strengthening early warning research on key mariculture industries were put forward,so as to provide decision-making basis for high-quality development of mariculture industry.
作者 岳冬冬 吴反修 邱亢铖 张爽 YUE Dongdong;WU Fanxiu;QIU Kangcheng;ZHANG Shuang(Key Laboratory of Oceanic and Polar Fisheries,Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs,East China Sea Fisheries Research Institute,Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences,Shanghai 200090,China;National Fisheries Technology Extension Station,China Society of Fisheries,Bejing 100125,China)
出处 《渔业信息与战略》 2022年第1期19-26,共8页 Fishery Information & Strategy
基金 农业农村部政府购买服务项目(125C0501)。
关键词 海水养殖 平均产量前10位国家 生产特征 集中度 平均价格 mariculture top 10 countries of mariculture production production characteristics concentration average price
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