
低SVOC绿色水性内墙装饰涂料的制备 被引量:3

Preparation of Low SVOC Green Interior Decorative Coating
摘要 通过对市面上建筑涂料乳液和助剂的筛选,选出最优产品配方,并满足GB/T 9756—2018《合成树脂乳液内墙涂料》优等品要求,同时具有优异的抗黏连性。样品挥发性有机化合物(VOC)含量测定遵照GB 18582—2020《建筑用墙面涂料中有害物质限量》中水性内墙涂料VOC要求,半挥发性有机化合物(SVOC)含量测定遵照ISO 11890-2:2020《色漆和清漆—测定挥发性有机化合物(VOC)和/或半挥发性有机化合物(SVOC)—第2部分:气相色谱法》。经检测,样品VOC和SVOC含量均较低,能满足产品设计预期和市场需求。 Some emulsions and additives of architectural coatings on the market were selected,and the coating were made which could meet the requirements of GB/T 9756—2018"Synthetic resin emulsion coatings for interior wall"for excellent products and had excellent anti-adhesion property.The content of volatile organic compounds(VOC)in the samples were determined in accordance with GB/T 18582—2020"Limit of harmful Substances of architectural wall coatings",and the content of semi volatile organic compounds(SVOC)were determined in accordance with ISO 11890—2:2020"Paints and varnishes—Determination of volatile organic compounds(VOCs)and/or semi volatile organic compounds(SVOCs)content—Part 2:Gas-chromatographic method".The test results show that both VOC and SVOC contents of the sample are low,indicating that the coating can meet the product design expectation and market requirements.
作者 王海梅 毛雄伟 张宪康 WANG Haimei;MAO Xiongwei;ZHANG Xiankang
出处 《上海化工》 CAS 2022年第2期36-38,共3页 Shanghai Chemical Industry
关键词 VOC SVOC 水性涂料 涂装 VOC SVOC Water-based coating Painting
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