
移动学习支持下的成人教育公平:来自发展中国家的经验 被引量:1

Adult education equity under the support of mobile learning:from the experience of developing countries
摘要 信息与通信技术的发展日益强化了移动学习在实现全民教育目标中的重要作用。移动学习不断成为“数字鸿沟”背景下促进发展中国家成人教育公平最直接、最有效的方式。本文以移动学习支持下的发展中国家成人教育发展为视角,深入分析发展中国家通过制定移动学习政策、资金技术投入与项目支持等方式,发挥移动学习在促进成人识字率的提升、扩大成人受教育机会、赋予女性平等的受教育权利、提供优质的学习资源,以及促进教师教育发展等方面提升成人教育公平性的作用,指出未来发展中国家通过移动学习支持成人教育公平需要加强移动设备的供给、强化移动学习项目的监控管理、关注成人中“移动弱势”群体的教育与赋予成人更为基本的学习权利等。 The development of network communication technology increasingly strengthened the important role of the mobile learning in realizing the goal of universal education.Under the background of“digital divide”,mobile learning is constantly the most direct and effective way to promote adult education equity in developing countries.This paper based on the perspective of adult education development in developing countries with the support of mobile learning,gives in-depth analysis of the developing countries’ways of establishing mobile learning policy,funding,technology investment and project support to play the role of mobile learning in ascending adults education equity such as enlarging the adult literacy rate,adult education opportunities,giving women equal rights of education,providing the high quality of learning resources and promoting the development of teacher educations etc.Finally,the analysis points out that developing countries’education equity face practical problems under the support of mobile learning in strengthening the supply of mobile devices,strengthening the mobile learning project management,focusing on the adult mobile education of vulnerable groups and empowering adult more fundamental study,etc.
作者 杨启光 刘珂 Yang Qiguang;Liu Ke(Faculty of Education, Fujian Normal University,Fuzhou 350117,China;Publicity Department,Heze Vocational College,Heze 274000,China)
出处 《辽宁师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 2022年第3期57-64,共8页 Journal of Liaoning Normal University(Social Science Edition)
基金 福建省教育科学规划基础教育高质量发展重点专项委托课题“福建省家校协同促进五育融合的理论、实践与制度创新研究”(FJWTZD21-13)。
关键词 移动学习 发展中国家 成人教育 教育公平 mobile learning developing countries adult education education equity
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