
新型毒品与女性吸毒者高危性行为和艾滋病感染及传播的关系 被引量:3

Relationship Between New Drugs and High-risk Sexual Behaviors of Female Drug Abusers and HIV Infection and Transmission
摘要 通过探讨新型毒品与女性吸毒者高危性行为和艾滋病感染及传播之间的关联,为加强新型毒品与艾滋病相关预防知识的宣传和改进艾滋病防治策略提供数据支撑和参考。运用深度访谈法获取女性新型毒品吸食者有关新型毒品药理的主位感知与社会建构,就深度访谈材料进行个案要素分析。新型毒品对女性具有极度的愉悦和兴奋效果,尤其具有强大的去除社交心理障碍的效果,导致在性行为方面失去羞耻心和自我保护意识,容易接受无保护措施的高危性行为,而高危性行为是艾滋病感染和传播的主要渠道。在新型毒品的作用下,女性新型毒品吸食者极易发生高危性行为,成为社会的桥梁人群,成为艾滋病感染及传播的高危群体,直接导致更广泛的艾滋病感染及传播。显然,主位视角的实证研究有助于提出更有针对性的女性吸毒行为干预与艾滋病防治的应对策略。 To explore the relationship between new drugs and high-risk sexual behaviors of female drug abusers,as well as HIV infection and transmission,so as to provide data support and references for strengthening the publicity of new drugs and HIV-related prevention knowledge and improving HIV prevention strategies.In-depth interview was used to obtain the thematic perception and social construction from the female new drug abusers,and the case elements of the in-depth interview materials were analyzed.New drugs have extremely pleasurable and exciting effects on women,especially help the women overcome the social or psychological obstacles,resulting in loss of shame and self-protection in sexual behavior,even in high-risk sexual behaviors without protection,which are the main channels for HIV infection and transmission.Under the effect of new drugs,female new drug abusers are prone to high-risk sexual behaviors,becoming a bridge group in society and a high-risk group for HIV infection and transmission,which directly leads to wider HIV infection and transmission.Obviously,empirical research from a thematic perspective can help to propose more targeted interventions on female drug use behaviors and coping strategies for AIDS prevention and treatment.
作者 兰林友 王晗冰 LAN Linyou(School of Ethnology and Sociology,Minzu University of China,Beijing,100081,China)
出处 《医学与社会》 北大核心 2022年第6期60-64,共5页 Medicine and Society
基金 国家社会科学基金资助重点项目,编号为18ASH013。
关键词 艾滋病感染与传播 高危性行为 女性吸毒者 新型毒品 HIV Infection and Transmission High-risk Sexual Behavior Female Drug Abuser New Drug
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