

Logical Dimension and Realistic Path of"Curriculum Ideology and Politics"from the Perspective of"Casting Souls and Educating People"
摘要 课程思政是新时代背景下实现“立德树人”的重要举措。随着“铸魂育人”目标的提出,课程思政承载着全面提高人才培养质量的艰巨任务,肩负着用专业课程讲好中国思政故事的历史使命。基于目前课程思政的实践,在总结课程思政建设过程中取得的成果和实效基础上,对课程思政建设进行学理思考,探讨怎样突出课程思政的内涵,讲好课程思政故事,梳理课程思政已有的优势,明确课程思政的重点方向,对照课程育人的要求补齐短板,从四个方面提出课程思政现实路履的思路:一是发挥习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想的重要作用,为课程思政提供强大智慧保障;二是站在国际战略高度,用发展眼光讲好课程思政故事;三是加快打造特色课程思政典范,加强高校间交流和合作;四是精准选择路径和方式,提高课程思政的实效性。切实发挥课程思政的“立德树人”功能,助力“铸魂育人”走实走深。 Curriculum ideology and politics is an important measure to realize"cultivating people through moral education"under the background of the new era.As the goal of"casting souls and educating people"has been set,the curriculum ideology and politics is facing the enormous task of comprehensively improving the quality of talent cultivation and carrying out the historical mission of telling China's ideological and political stories with professional courses.Based on current practices of curriculum ideology and politics,this paper synthesizes and reflects on the achievements and the results of curriculum ideology and politics construction.The reflections and discussions focus on how to highlight the connotation of curriculum ideology and politics,tell ideological and political stories well,sort out the existing advantages,clarify the key points and directions,and strengthen the weaknesses to meet the requirements of curriculum education.Four recommendations are proposed in relation to the realistic path for curriculum ideology and politics:Firstly,giving full play to President Xi Jinping's thought on socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era to guide and provide a strong intellectual guarantee for curriculum ideology and politics;Secondly,telling the story of curriculum ideology and politics at an international strategic level from a development perspective;Thirdly,speeding up to create innovative examples of curriculum ideology and politics and strengthen inter-university collaboration and cooperation;Fourthly,selecting the most suitable path and method to improve the effectiveness of curriculum ideology and politics.The function of curriculum ideology and politics to cultivate people through moral education should be realized to further assist in achieving the goal of"casting the soul and educating people".
作者 江侠 雷经发 JIANG Xia;LEI Jingfa(School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering,Anhui Jianzhu University,Hefei 230601,China)
出处 《宿州学院学报》 2022年第5期6-11,共6页 Journal of Suzhou University
基金 安徽省教育厅高校人文社科项目(SK2020JD16) 安徽省重大线上教学改革研究项目(2020zdxsjg076) 安徽省“三全育人”试点省建设暨高校思想政治工作能力提升项目(sztsjh-2020-6-30)。
关键词 铸魂育人 课程思政 逻辑向度 现实路履 "Casting souls and educating people" "Curriculum ideology and politics" Logical dimension Realistic path
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