
土壤中微塑料的吸附迁移及老化作用对污染物环境行为的影响研究进展 被引量:11

A Review on Adsorption and Transport of Microplastics in Soil and the Effect of Ageing on Environmental Behavior of Pollutants
摘要 微塑料(粒径小于5mm的塑料颗粒),由于其自身较强的迁移特性及对环境污染物较强的亲和力,会引发严重生态风险,受到广泛关注。微塑料可以通过地膜破损、垃圾填埋和大气沉降等方式汇集在土壤中。土壤中的微塑料不仅会向下迁移,吸附富集共存的污染物,还会在表生地球化学作用下发生老化,对环境安全造成更大的威胁。本文基于近年文献重点综述了土壤环境中微塑料的吸附迁移行为以及老化作用对污染物环境行为的影响。结果表明:①微塑料在土壤中的迁移行为受到其自身理化性质(大小、形状及官能团)及土壤环境条件的影响;②微塑料可以吸附携带外部环境污染物迁移,从而改变污染物在环境中的归宿与生物可利用性;③老化作用会改变微塑料理化性质,影响微塑料的吸附与迁移能力,加速内源污染物的释放,其中有机污染物邻苯二甲酸酯释放的浓度范围约为50.3~6660ng/g,常见重金属Pb^(2+)的释放浓度范围约为5.1~81.4μg/g。本文建议今后应加强三方面研究工作:①不同土壤环境中多因素耦合条件下,开展微塑料与环境污染物的相互作用机制研究,特别是不同土壤介质及环境因素对污染物在微塑料上的吸附/解吸/迁移行为的影响。②通过实验模拟手段,研究环境中不同老化作用对微塑料性质和环境行为的影响。③加强微塑料内源污染物在不同环境中的释放研究,揭示老化作用对内源污染物释放行为的影响。 BACKGROUND:Microplastics,defined as the plastic material with a size of<5mm,have been widely attracting attention due to the high mobility and strong affinity toward pollutants.Microplastics concentrate in soil through plastic film breakage,landfill and atmospheric deposition.Microplastics can migrate downward in soil,and adsorb co-existing pollutants.The ageing of microplastics due to surface geochemical processes,would result in a great threat to the environment.OBJECTIVES:To comprehensively understand the environmental behavior of microplastics and their potential environmental risks.METHODS:The key factors controlling vertical transport of microplastics in soil were summarized,including microplastics properties such as the size,shape and functional groups,and soil properties such as the porosity,organic matter and soil minerals.The adsorption of organic pollutants and heavy metals on microplastics and the effect of ageing were analyzed.RESULTS:The results obtained from recent studies showed that:(1)The transportation of microplastics can be affected by their inherent properties and the soil environments.(2)Microplastics can adsorb heavy metals and organic pollutants,and co-transport in soil,which would change the environmental fate and bioavailability of pollutants.(3)The ageing process can impact the microplastics mobility,adsorption capacity,and the release of the associated contaminants derived from the microplastics.The release of endogenous organics phthalate esters from aged microplastics could reach 50.3-6660ng/g,and that of heavy metal Pb^(2+)reach 5.1-81.4μg/g.CONCLUSIONS:In view of the current research and existing problems,this review gives guidance on microplastics transport,adsorption and ageing effect for future studies.(1)The interaction mechanisms between microplastics and pollutants should be elucidated under multi-factor coupling conditions in soil,especially for the influence of different soil types and environmental factors on the adsorption/desorption/migration of pollutants on the microplastics.(2)The effects of different ageing processes on the properties and environmental behavior of the microplastics should be studied by experimental simulation.(3)In order to uncover the effects of aging on the release behavior of endogenous pollutants,the study on the release of endogenous pollutants from microplastics in different ageing environment should be strengthened.
作者 胡婷婷 陈家玮 HU Tingting;CHEN Jiawei(School of Earth Sciences and Resources,China University of Geosciences(Beijing),Beijing 100083,China)
出处 《岩矿测试》 CSCD 北大核心 2022年第3期353-363,共11页 Rock and Mineral Analysis
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(41731282)。
关键词 微塑料 土壤 迁移 吸附 污染物 老化 microplastics soil transport adsorption pollutants ageing
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