
细辛在经方中的用量研究与现代临床实践 被引量:6

A study on the dosage of Xixin in classical prescriptions and its modern clinical application
摘要 细辛作用广泛而显著,但是圄于“细辛不过钱”之说,以及《中华人民共和国药典》对细辛用量的严格限制,很多医生在临床实践中对细辛的用量处于“量小而效微,量多而抓不到药”的两难境地。笔者通过对细辛在经方汤剂中的用量和影响其剂量的因素进行分析,并结合现代具体的现代临床实践,以期能够加深大家对细辛用量的认识,从而更好地将细辛应用于临床实践中。 Xixin(asarum) has a wide range and significant effect. However, due to the saying that “The dose of Xixin is not more than 1 Qian(1 Qian = 3.73 grams)”, and the amount of Xixin is strictly restricted in Pharmacopoeia of People’s Republic of China, many doctors in clinical practice are in a dilemma about the dosage of Xixin. The dilemma is that the effect is poor due to small doses, and the amount is too large to gain the medicine. In this thesis, the author analyzes the dosage of Xixin in classic prescriptions and the factors affecting its dosage, combined with specific modern clinical practice, in order to deepen people’s understanding on the dosage of Xixin, so as to better apply Xixin in clinical practice.
作者 郭洁浩 谢海波 GUO Jiehao
机构地区 湖南中医药大学
出处 《中医临床研究》 2022年第13期43-45,共3页 Clinical Journal Of Chinese Medicine
基金 全国中医临床特色技术传承骨干人才培训项目(国中医人教函[2019]36号) 湖南省自然科学基金面上项目(2020JJ4480)。
关键词 细辛不过钱 经方 用量 影响因素 临床实践 The dose of Xixin is not more than 1 Qian Classic prescription Dosage Influencing factor Clinical practice
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