水文要素是研究黄土高原水土流失的重要因子,为揭示陕北黄土高原水文地形要素之间的相关规律。基于90 m航天飞机雷达地形测绘使命(Shuttle Radar Topography Mission, SRTM)数字高程模型(Digital Elevation Model, DEM)数据,提取陕北黄土高原相关水文地形因子,包括坡度坡长因子(slope length and slope gradient factor, LS)、地形湿度指数(Topographic Wetness Index, TWI)及沟壑密度,并对三类水文因子进行了相关性分析。地形湿度指数与坡度值采用指数拟效果最好,R^(2)值为0.8168,坡度坡长因子与坡度值采用线性拟合效果最好,R^(2)值为0.993,沟壑密度与坡度值采用多项式拟合效果最好,R^(2)值为0.0604。地形湿度指数与坡度坡长因子采用指数拟效果最好,R^(2)值为0.8385,坡度坡长因子与沟壑密度采用二次多项式拟合效果最好,R^(2)值为0.2077,地形湿度指数与沟壑密度采用多项式拟合效果最好,R^(2)值为0.2801。坡度坡长因子、地形湿度指数、沟壑密度均在一定程度反映了出实际地貌。坡度坡长指数与坡度存在线性显著相关关系。坡度越大地形湿度指数越小。沟壑密度随汇流阈值设置的增大而减小。
Hydrological element is one of the significant factors in the study of soil erosion in the Loess Plateau. In order to reveal the correlation rules among the hydrological and topographic factors of the Loess Plateau in Northern Shaanxi, relevant hydrological and topographic factors were extracted based on the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission(SRTM) Digital Elevation Model(DEM) with 90m resolution, including slope length and slope gradient factor(LS), topographic wetness index(TWI), and gully density. Moreover, the three types of hydrological factors were analyzed. The TWI and the slope value showed the best index fitting performance with the R^(2)of 0.8168. The LS and the slope value showed the best quadratic polynomial fitting performance with the R^(2)of 0.993. The gully density and the slope value showed the best polynomial fitting performance with the R^(2)of0.0604. The TWI and the LS showed the best index fitting performance with the R^(2)of 0.8385. The LS and the gully density showed the best quadratic polynomial fitting performance with the R^(2)of 0.2077. The TWI and the gully density showed the best polynomial fitting performance with the R^(2)of 0.2801. In conclusion, the condition of actual landform can be reflected by LS, TWI and gully density to a certain degree, and a significant linear correlation relationship can be found between the LS and the slope gradient. The slope gradient is inversely proportional to the TWI, and the gully density is inversely proportional to threshold of conflux value.
WANG Yuanyuan(Land Surveying,Planning and Design Institute of Shaanxi Provincial Land Engineering Construction Group,Xi’an 710075,Shaanxi,China)
Journal of Agriculture
hydrological element
soil erosion
Loess Plateau in Northern Shaanxi
topographic mapping
slope length and slope gradient factor
gully density
topographic wetness index