

Drainage Dilemma and Local Order of Eastern Henan Plain during the Anti Japanese War——A Case Study of Shuangji River in Fugou County
摘要 扶沟县双洎河属于抗战时期豫东平原黄泛区。黄泛导致扶沟县双洎河河道淤塞迭次决口,北岸民众深受其苦。之后双洎河南北两岸士绅、民众围绕是继续疏浚双洎河抑或是改道三河沟先后产生多次纠纷,严重破坏了当地社会秩序,最终惊动了国民政府。出于稳定抗战前线社会秩序及利用双洎河运输军需的考量,国民政府最终出面解决了此次水利纠纷,稳定了该县社会秩序。由此案可知,抗战时期双洎河南北两岸士绅为保护各自地方利益,利用国民党、三青团政治招牌作为博弈筹码,试图争取己方利益最大化。此外,该县士绅并未被国民政府打压,士绅依然是后者从事地方公共事业的重要帮手。 This paper focuses on Shuangji River in Fugou County to investigate the water conservancy dilemma and social order in the Yellow River flooded area of Eastern Henan Plain during the Anti Japanese War.The flooding of Yellow River had led to the siltation and repeated burst of Shuangji River in Fugou County,and the people on the north bank had suffered greatly.Later,the gentries and people on both sides of the Shuangji River had many disputes over whether to continue dredging the Shuangji River or divert the Sanhe Trench,which seriously damaged the local social order and finally alerted the national government.In order to stabilize the social order on the front line of the war of resistance against Japan as well as use the Shuangji River to transport military supplies,the national government finally came forward to solve the water conservancy dispute and stabilize the social order of the county.It can be seen from this case that during the war of resistance against Japan,the gentries on both sides of Shuangji River tried to maximize their own interests by using the political signboards of the Kuomintang and the Three People’s Principles Youth League as game chips to protect their respective local interests.In addition,the gentries in the county were not suppressed by the national government,and the gentries were still an important helper of the latter in local public utilities.
作者 史行洋 Shi Xingyang(School of Marxism,Zhejiang A&F University,311300)
出处 《中国历史地理论丛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第2期117-126,共10页 Journal of Chinese Historical Geography
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目“大阪产业部近代中国及‘海上丝路’沿线调查资料整理与研究”(18ZDA188) 浙江农林大学科研发展基金项目“花园口决堤与豫东乡村社会变迁(1938—1955年)”(2021FR047)。
关键词 抗战时期 豫东平原 黄泛 地方秩序 排水困境 Anti-Japanese War Period Eastern Henan Plain Flood of the Yellow River Local Social Order Drainage Dilemma
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