
奥林匹克文化与中华文明的和合共生——北京冬奥会赋予历史、当下与未来的精神遗产 被引量:10

The Harmonious Coexistence of the Olympic Culture and Chinese Civilization:the Spiritual Legacy Left by the Beijing Winter Olympics to the Past,Present and Future
摘要 北京2022年冬奥会是新冠肺炎疫情发生以来首次如期举办的全球综合性体育盛会,也是国际奥委会《奥林匹克2020议程》颁布后第一届从筹办之初就全面规划管理奥运遗产的奥运会。北京冬奥会在各个领域都创造了丰厚的奥运遗产。基于对奥运遗产框架中的精神遗产概念,对北京冬奥会办奥实践进行具体考察,提出:奥林匹克文化与中华文明的和合共生,是北京冬奥会赋予历史、当下和未来的精神遗产,并从3个方面来论述和阐释。1)冬奥梦交汇中国梦,中国梦辉映世界梦,见证中国日益走近世界舞台中央。2)北京冬奥会主题口号“一起向未来”,为奥林匹克新格言“更快、更高、更强——更团结”提供中国注解,北京冬奥会是推动构建人类命运共同体的全新实践。3)北京冬奥会推动中华优秀传统文化创造性转化、创新性发展与奥林匹克文化传播双向互动、交织融合,冬奥办奥践行文明交流互鉴理念,北京成为现代奥林匹克文化传播中心。 The Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics is the first comprehensive global sporting event that has been held as scheduled since the Covid-19 pandemic broke out,and also the first Olympic Games to fully plan and manage the Olympic Legacy since the beginning of its preparation after the Olympic Agenda 2020 was promulgated by the International Olympic Committee(IOC).The Beijing Winter Olympics has created a rich Olympic Legacy in all fields.The series of programmatic documents by the IOC,such as the Olympic Charter,Olympic Agenda 2020,Legacy Strategic Approach,etc.,have clarified the connotation,denotation and value of the concept of Olympic Legacy in depth.Based on the concept of“spiritual legacy”,which is in the framework for“Olympic Legacy”,this article examines the practice of hosting the Beijing Winter Olympics in detail,and puts forward that the harmonious coexistence of the Olympic culture and Chinese civilization is the spiritual legacy left by the Beijing Winter Olympics to the past,present and future.This will be discussed and explained from three perspectives.First,the Winter Olympic dreams intertwine with the Chinese dreams,which reflect the world dreams,and witness how China is increasingly approaching the center of the world stage.“Modern Olympics is the best way for China to be recognized by the global community.”For more than a century,China has experienced the magnificent process of longing for the Olympics,competing in the Olympics,and hosting both the Summer and Winter Olympics.This is also a process in which China is integrating into the global community.The Beijing Winter Olympics,which has inspired more than 300 million people to participate in ice and snow sports,is the largest ice and snow sports popularization event in the human history,and also a major contribution to the International Olympic Movement of Beijing,the first city to host both the Summer and Winter Olympics.China has showcased a reliable,loveable and respectable image of the nation to people all over the world in a true,three-dimensional and thorough way.Second,the slogan of the Beijing Winter Olympics,“Together for a Shared Future”,is the Chinese annotation of the new Olympic motto of“Faster,Higher,Stronger—Together”.The concept of unity plays an important role in the Olympic values and has been upheld and promoted in the reform of the IOC.In order to actively combat the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the International Olympic Movement,the IOC has further promoted the reform of Olympic Agenda 2020 and continued to uphold the values of unity.On 20 July 2021,the 138th plenary session of the International Olympic Committee was held in Tokyo,Japan.Through a historic resolution,“Together”was officially added to the Olympic motto,hence the new motto“Faster,Higher,Stronger—Together”.On 17September 2021,the slogan of the Beijing Winter Olympics and Winter Paralympics,“Together for a Shared Future”,was officially released,echoing the new Olympic motto.It is against the backdrop of the changes of the century and the pandemic situation that the Beijing Winter Olympics opened and was hosted successfully as scheduled.This is a brand-new practice of developing a Community with a Shared Future for Mankind.Finally,the Beijing Winter Olympics has promoted the creative transformation and innovative development of excellent traditional Chinese culture,and its two-way interaction,interweaving and integration with the dissemination of the Olympic culture.The Beijing Winter Olympics has integrated the ancient and modern,connected China and the West,and creatively transformed and developed the excellent traditional Chinese culture;at the same time,it has carried out the concept of exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations in practice.Beijing,“the city of both the Summer and Winter Olympics”,has added a new connotation to the Olympic movement and become the communication center of modern Olympic culture:the global launch of the Chinese version of the Olympic Manifesto,the completion of the world’s first Olympic Manifesto Square in Beijing,and the launch and release of“The Olympic Manifesto—the Beautiful Olympic Cultural Scroll III”design,are all strong proofs of this.Athens,the source of the Olympic spirit,Paris,the starting point of the modern Olympic Movement,and Beijing,the communication center of modern Olympic culture,have become the three innovative pillar cities of International Olympic culture.Looking back on the history of the encountering and fitting of Chinese and foreign civilizations,from the“Three Questions about the Olympics”(When can China send representatives to compete in the Olympics?When will China win a championship at the Olympics?When will the Olympics be held in China?)to“the city of both the Summer and Winter Olympics”,the Olympic culture,as the most outstanding representative of the world sporting culture,has met and integrated with the Chinese civilization for more than a century.At the historical juncture of the successful hosting of the Beijing Winter Olympics,it has condensed into a valuable spiritual legacy:the harmonious coexistence of the Olympic culture and Chinese civilization.
作者 吴浩 WU Hao(Academy of Regional and Global Governance,Beijing Foreign Studies L'niversity,Beijing 100089,China)
出处 《北京体育大学学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第5期11-20,共10页 Journal of Beijing Sport University
基金 2021年度教育部人文社会科学研究青年基金项目“促进民心相通构建人文共同体路径研究”(项目编号:21YJCZH177)。
关键词 奥运遗产 精神遗产 奥林匹克新格言 人类命运共同体 文明交流互鉴 Olympic Legacy spiritual legacy new Olympic motto a Community with a Shared Future for Mankind exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations
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