

The Full-scale Armed Rebellion Launched by the Reactionary Upper Class in Xizang in 1959 from the Perspective of the Cold War:A Comparative Study of the Roles and Actions of the United States,India and the Soviet Union
摘要 二战后,随着“杜鲁门主义”的提出,国际关系进入冷战阶段。1949年新中国成立后采取“一边倒”外交方针,美国为了对付以苏联为首的社会主义阵营,围绕1959年西藏反动上层发动的全面武装叛乱采取了一系列行动,构成了对中国的遏制政策的一部分。与此同时,获得民族独立不久的印度,全盘继承英帝国主义的殖民遗产,在加紧侵占中国领土的同时,也在十四世达赖集团武装叛乱失败后逃亡印度中发挥了积极作用。中苏关系经过一段“蜜月期”后,随着1956年苏共二十大的召开,友好关系逐渐破裂。苏联在西藏反动上层发动的全面武装叛乱及边境冲突上采取支持印度的立场,成为中苏关系恶化的一个征兆。这一过程中,也伴随着美国、苏联对作为“中间地带”国家代表印度的争夺。通过1959年西藏反动上层发动的全面武装叛乱和边境冲突可以看出,两个阵营、两极理论并不能恰当地解释当时的国际关系,毛泽东关于“中间地带”的划分更加符合当时的国际现实。 After the Second World War,with the introduction of the‘Truman Doctrine’,international relations became more and more complicated,the whole world entered the stage of Cold War.In the year of 1949,New China adopted the‘Leaning to one side’diplomatic policy,firmly stranded on the side of socialist camp headed by the Soviet Union.In order to cope with this situation,the government of United States took a series of actions revolved aroundthe full-scale armed rebellion launched by the reactionary upper class in Xizang in 1959,which constituted a part of its policy of containment against China.Mean while,India gained its independence and fully inherited the colonial heritage left by the British Empire.Therefore,it speeded up its process of invading China and played a crucial role in helping 14th Dalai Lama group fled to India after their failure armed rebellion.The 20th Congress of the Soviet Communist Partyis the breakdown mark of Sion-Soviet relations after a‘honeymoon period’.The Soviet Union’s pro-India stance in the armed rebellion launched by the reactionary upper class in Xizang and Sion-India border clash became symptom of the deterioration of Sino-Soviet relations.During this period,United States and Soviet Union competed with each other for representing the‘intermediate zone’India.Through the armed rebellion launched by the reactionary upper class in Xizang and Sion-India border clash in 1959,it could be told that the theory of two camps and the bipolar system cannot properly explain the international relations,while Mao Zedong’s‘the middle zone’theory was more in line with the international reality at that time.
作者 杨亚波 Yang Yabo(Institute of South Asia Studies,Tibet Academy of Social Sciences,Lhasa,Tibet 850000,China)
出处 《西藏研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第2期116-124,共9页 Tibetan Studies
基金 2019年度西藏自治区哲学社会科学专项资金重大委托项目“西藏深度参与“孟中印缅经济走廊”、建设面向南亚开放的重要通道创新思路研究”(项目编号:19ZGJ02)阶段性成果。
关键词 西藏 全面武装叛乱 遏制政策 政治遗产 中间地带 Tibet Full-scale Armed Rebellion Containment Policy Political Heritage Intermediate zone
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