

Is it Always Bad to Not Win in Lottery Promotions?The Impact of the Number of Failures in Lottery Promotions on the Willingness to Purchase Innovative Products
摘要 抽奖促销作为有效和实用的促销手段,已被企业广泛应用。已有多数研究聚焦于单次促销以及消费者幸运中奖对后续购买决策的影响,本研究则基于营销安慰剂理论和反应预期理论,重点探讨消费者抽奖促销时未中奖次数对创新产品购买意愿的影响。实验I验证了抽奖促销时未中奖次数对激发运气安慰剂效应的影响:实验2探究了抽奖促销时未中奖次数对创新产品购买意愿的影响,并揭示了消极情绪和感知风险的链式中介解释机制;实验3揭示了消费者感知运气的不同归因在抽奖未中奖次数对创新产晶购买意愿的影响中起调节作用。本研究拓展了安慰剂效应相关理论,也为企业应用抽奖促销以提升企业绩效提供了实践指导。 lottery promotion has been widely used as an effective and practical means of promotion.However,most relevant research have focused on the impact of single promotion and consumers'lucky wins on subsequent purchase decisions.This study is based on the marketing placebo theory and the reaction expectation theory,focusing on the impact of the number of unwinning prizes on the purchase intention of innovative products under the lottery promotion.Experiment 1 verifies the effect of the number of unwinning prizes in the sweepstakes promotion on the placebo effect of the doom.Experiment 2 explores the impact of the number of unwinning prizes on the purchase intention of innovative products'under the lottery promotion.Experiment 2 also reveals the chain mediation mechanism of negative emotion and perceived risk.Experiment 3 reveals that the con trollability of promotional lottery perception plays a regulatory role in the impact of the number of unsuccessful draws on the willingness to purchase innovative products.This study expands the theory of placebo effect and provides practical guidances for enterprises to apply sweepstakes and promotions to improve corporate performances.
作者 申汝敏 孟陆 焦腾啸 Shen Rumin;Meng Lu;Jiao Tengxiao(School of Business,Renmin University of China;School of Management,Guangdong Polytechnic Normal University)
出处 《营销科学学报》 2022年第1期69-82,共14页
基金 中国人民大学科学研究基金(中央高校基本科研业务费W项资金资助)项目(2OXNLO13)成果。
关键词 抽奖促销次数 运气安慰剂效应:感知风险 创新产品购买意愿 lottery promotion times placebo effect perceived risk willingness to purchase innovative products
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