研究了工艺条件对电子束蒸发沉积在 K9玻璃上 Ti O2 薄膜的结构和光学性能的影响。正交试验结果表明 ,基片温度是影响薄膜光学常数的主要因素 ,制备 Ti O2 薄膜的最佳工艺参数为 :基片温度 30 0℃ ,工作真空 2× 10 - 2 Pa,沉积速率 0 .2 nm/ s。采用最佳工艺沉积在透明基片上的 Ti O2 薄膜在可见光区具有良好的透过特性 ,同时也得出了薄膜的光学带隙能 Eg=3.77e V。 SEM观察结果表明薄膜为柱状纤维结构 ,柱状纤维的直径在 10 0~ 15 0
Influence of the related processing conditions on the structure and optical properties of high refractive index titanium oxide thin films deposited by reactive electron beam evaporation (EB) on K9 glass is discussed. The results of orthogonal test indicate that the substrate temperature has influence on the optical properties of the deposited films notably. And the best process for TiO 2 thin film deposition is that the substrate temperature is 300 ℃, the total gas press in the chamber is 2×10 -2 Pa and the deposition rate is 0.2 nm/s. The thin films deposited by using best process on transparent substrate show good transmittance properties in visible region. We also calculated the optical band gap of the thin film, E g=3.77 eV. The section SEM observation shows that the TiO 2 films grown by EB on K9 glasses have columnar fibrous structures and the diameter of the columnar fiber is between 100 nm and 150 nm.
Journal of Wuhan University of Technology