By employing a panel data of 31 democratic countries in Europe from 2009 to 2017, this paper uses a two-way fixed effect model to test the impact of the rise of populism on the trade policy choice of the ruling party since the global financial crisis in 2008. We find that once the popularity of populism reaches 29% to 33%, the trade policy caused by political ideology of right-wing parties will be distorted from trade openness to protection, while it has no significant effect on the left-wing ruling parties. Compared with the popularity of right-wing populism caused by cultural factors, the prevalence of left-wing populism caused by economic shock is more likely to coerce the ruling party to make choices. Further research shows that the mechanism of populist kidnapping trade decision-making does not show heterogeneous influence caused by the change of the endowment condition of a country’s capital labor ratio, but an independent factor of the trade policy choice. The inference of this paper can provide policy enlightenment for China to reduce the political risk of foreign trade.
Feng Guoqiang;Sun Rui;Zhang Xinran(School of Economics,Lanzhou University,Lanzhou;National School of Development,Peking University,Beijing)
Comparative Economic & Social Systems