
政策企业家涌现的中国沃土:动机激励、创新空间与治理结构 被引量:8

China’s Fertile Land for Policy Entrepreneurs:M otivated Incentives,Innovation Spacesa nd Governance Mechanisms
摘要 文章对过去十多年的相关学刊论文进行文献分析,探究政策企业家在中国政策创新中不断涌现的微观动机和宏观激励,从而探讨何种治理结构能为政策企业家发挥作用提供更大的空间。结果显示:第一,无论其身份类型如何,政策企业家参与政策创新的心理动机具有多元性,其人格特性具有多样性,但其共同点在于富于使命感和担当精神;第二,个体素质、组织位置及其拥有的社会和政治资本是个体政策企业家成功的主要因素,而组织专业性和内聚力则是群体政策企业家成功的关键因素;第三,政策企业家行动的中国沃土在于政治与行政体制分权化所创造的激励结构。中国政策企业家文献在系统性探究宏观制度结构性因素对微观动机与行动的影响上仍有不足,体现为两个方面:一是未能深入系统地发掘中国社会治理理念和实践的理论意涵;二是未能基于中国经验提供具有全球性的理论视角。弥补这一不足的可行思路是在政策企业家研究中引入社会治理的视角,尤其是探寻社群机制和行政机制互补嵌合性,从而将中国政策企业家研究推向国际治理理论创新的前沿。 Based on the literature analysis of the article published in relevant journals during the last decade and earlier, this article examines the motivations at the micro level and the incentives at the macro level of Chinese policy entrepreneurship, so as to explore if governance structure can provide more space for their functioning. The findings are that, first, no matter what status they pose, the psychological motivations of policy entrepreneurs engaging in public innovations and their personality characteristics are diverse, but they all have a sense of responsibility and mission;second, personal characteristics, organizational positions, and social and political capital are the main factors for the success of individual policy entrepreneurs, while organizational professionalism and cohesion are the key factors for that of group policy entrepreneurs;third, the fertile soil for policy entrepreneurship lies in the incentive structure created by political delegation and administrative devolution, in which political delegation has changed the state-market-society relationship so as to open up a broad space fort the business sector and third-sector policy entrepreneurs to play a active role in the promotion of public innovation, while administrative devolution has inspired government competition, enhanced innovation incentives, strengthened innovation capabilities, and expanded the channels through which various types of policy entrepreneurs in the public sector can function. The literature of Chinese policy entrepreneurs still has deficiencies in systematic examination of the impacts of institutional structural factors at the macro level on motives and actions at the micro level. There are two deficiencies: one is the failure to explore the theoretical implications of Chinese practice thoroughly and systematically, and the other is the failure to put the Chinese experiences in global perspectives. A feasible way to overcome the deficiencies is to incorporate the idea of social governance into the scholarship of policy entrepreneurship and public innovation, especially the perspective of complimentary embeddedness of the bureaucratic and community mechanism, so as to push the scholarship of Chinese policy entrepreneurship onto the international frontline of innovation in governance theory.
作者 赵琦 顾昕 Zhao Qi;Gu Xin(Capital University of Economics and Business,Beijing;Zhejiang University,Hangzhou;Institute of State Governance Studies,Peking University,Beijing)
出处 《经济社会体制比较》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第2期179-188,共10页 Comparative Economic & Social Systems
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目“西方民主制度与国家治理困境研究”(项目编号:20ZDA109) 教育部哲学社会科学研究重大课题攻关项目“全面建设社会主义现代化国家新征程中加快实现共同富裕研究”(项目编号:21JZD019)。
关键词 政策企业家 激励 分权化 社会治理 多溪流理论 Policy Entrepreneurs Incentives Decentralization Social Governance Multiple-Stream Framework
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