
江苏常州地区乡村植物群落特征研究 被引量:1

Characteristics of Rural Plant Communities in Changzhou,Jiangsu
摘要 江苏常州位于经济发展增速快、现代化程度高的长三角区域,在乡村建设逐年推进的同时,存在着乡村植物群落原生性弱化、绿化配置模式单调、乡土特色植物资源未充分发掘利用、植物养护管理不到位等问题,如何基于群落结构分析量化制订针对性的修复、改造方案,实现对植物资源全面认知、充分利用、高效开发,开展高质量乡村绿化建设是当前研究重点。以生态学调研法对常州乡村55个村落中275个标准样地内植物群落的植物资源科属种、生活型、物种来源组成、植物重要值、物种多样性、群落水平垂直结构特征、植物健康状况进行调查研究。结果表明:(1)常州地区乡村植物种类达117科307属386种,乔木、灌木、陆地草本、水生植物分别占比23.0%、17.0%、54.2%和5.8%;乡土植物与外来植物种类比为13∶7;常绿与落叶植物种类比约1∶1。(2)植物群落各层植物运用频度排序:灌木层>乔木层>草本层,86.90%的草本种、67.34%的乔木种和59.42%的灌木种运用频度均<5%。(3)群落结构中Patric丰富度指数、Simpson多样性指数、Shannon-Wiener多样性指数均呈草本层>乔木层>灌木层趋势,Pielou指数各层差距不显;生态自然型村落在各项指数中均有显著优势。(4)常州乡村绿地植物群落中以小径级、中等高度树种为主;整体植物水平密度位于适宜区间内;生态自然型、现代工业型村落的植物胸径与垂直高度层次优于其余类型村落;各类村落植物群落健康状况排序为:旅游休闲型>现代城镇型>现代工业型>历史文化型>生态自然型。 Changzhou is located in the Yangtze River Delta region with rapid economic growth and a high degree of modernization.While rural construction is advancing year by year,there are some problems,such as weakening the original nature of rural plant communities,monotonous greening allocation mode,insufficient exploration and utilization of local characteristic plant resources,and inadequate plant maintenance and management.How to quantitatively formulate targeted restoration and transformation plans based on community structure analysis;the current research focus is to realize the extended cognition,total utilization,and efficient development of plant resources and carry out high-quality rural greening construction.The plant resource families,genera,species,life forms,species source composition,plant importance,species diversity,horizontal and vertical structure characteristics of the community,and plant health status of 275 standard sample plots in 55 villages in Changzhou,Jiangsu Province,were investigated by ecological investigation method.The results showed that:(1)There were 386 species belonging to 307 genera and 117 families in rural areas of Changzhou,and arbors,shrubs,terrestrial herbs,and aquatic plants accounted for 23.0%,17.0%,54.2%and 5.8%respectively;The ratio of native plants to exotic plants was 13:7;The species ratio of evergreen and deciduous plants is about 1:1.(2)The order of plant utilization frequency in each layer of the plant community is shrub layer>tree layer>herb layer.The utilization frequency of 86.90%herb species,67.34%arbor species,and 59.42%shrub species is less than 5%;(3)In the community structure,Patrick richness index,Simpson diversity index,and Shannon Wiener diversity index showed the trend of herb layer>tree layer>shrub layer,and there was no significant difference in Pielou index;Ecological and natural villages have substantial advantages in various indexes.(4)The plant community of Changzhou rural green space is dominated by small-diameter and medium-height trees;The overall plant horizontal density is in the appropriate range;The DBH and vertical height of plants in ecological natural and modern industrial villages are better than those in other types of villages;The health status of plant communities in various villages is as follows:Tourism and leisure type>modern urban type>modern industrial type>historical and cultural type>ecological and natural type.
作者 杨甲乐 丁彦芬 苏同向 赵美婷 YANG Jiale;DING Yanfen;SU Tongxiang;ZHAO Meiting(College of Landscape Architecture,Nanjing Forestry University,Nanjing,Jiangsu,China,210037)
出处 《园林》 2022年第6期26-34,共9页 Landscape Architecture Academic Journal
基金 国家重点研发计划课题“乡村植物景观营造及应用技术研究”(编号:2019YFD1100404)。
关键词 植物群落 群落特征 风景园林学 常州地区乡村 plant community community characteristics landscape architecture rural areas in Changzhou
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