When Chen Duxiu founded New Youth, he attached great importance to the “women’s issue” and established the “women’s issue” section, publishing articles on women’s issues and discussing women’s identity, status, and rights deeply. New Youth provided a forum for women to express their ideas, and its existence was a reflection of its advancement. However, from the discussion and promotion of “virtuous mother”, it’s easy to see that the intellectuals at that time had a biased perception of women’s identity and emphasized the intersection of women’s consciousness with the state’s thinking.
贵州省2018年度哲学社会科学规划国学单列课题阶段性成果,宋元时期宋人别集的编纂与刊刻研究,Serial Number 18GZGX25
《新青年》“译介”类栏目规划与内容判断力研究,Serial Number 22150322016)
《点石斋画报》(1884-1898)的图文艺术性、现代性传播与出版研究,Serial Number Eb202008.