

Progress and Development Suggestions on the Pilot Work of Community Hospital Construction
摘要 自2019年开始,国家在全国部分省市展开社区医院建设试点工作,这是不断加强公共卫生服务,提高医疗卫生服务能力,推进新医改各项政策扎实展开,健全我国医疗卫生服务体系的又一重要举措。社区医院的建设对于完善我国医疗卫生体系有非常重要的意义,不仅能够拓展和提升基层医疗卫生机构的功能和影响力,还能够增强居民对于基层医疗卫生机构的满意度,让基层医疗卫生机构真正发挥出作用,缓解社会就医压力,均衡医疗卫生资源。国家在推进社区医院建设试点工作的过程中综合各方面因素制订了统一的标准,从医院的外部条件到内部建设均进行了高标准的提升要求,不仅要在业务用房、床位数等方面进行扩充,更要在科室设置、专业人才等方面进行充实完善,这都帮助基层医疗卫生机构在更好的政策下完成发展和建设。社区医院建设试点工作的开展提供了很多经验和数据支持,通过对这些试点过程中存在的问题不断分析改进、查漏补缺,不断完善社区医院建设政策,可以进一步推动全国社区医院建设全面展开。该研究就社区医院建设试点工作的现状及发展进行分析并提出几点建议。 Since 2019,the state has begun to carry out pilot work of community hospital construction in some provinces and cities across the country.This is to continuously strengthen public health services,improve medical and health service capabilities,promote the solid implementation of new medical reform policies,and improve our country's medical and health services.The construction of community hospitals is of great significance to the improvement of my country's medical and health system.It can not only expand and enhance the function and influence of primary medical and health institutions,but also enhance residents'satisfaction with primary medical and health institutions.Let grassroots medical and health institutions really play a role,ease the pressure of social medical treatment,and balance medical and health resources.In the process of promoting the pilot work of community hospital construction,the state has formulated a unified standard based on various factors,and has carried out high-standard improvement requirements from the external conditions of the hospital to the internal construction.It is not only necessary to expand in terms of business rooms and beds,but also to enrich and improve the establishment of departments and professionals,which will help grass-roots medical and health institutions to complete the development and construction under better policies.The development of the pilot work of community hospital construction has provided a lot of experience and data support.By continuously analyzing and improving the problems existing in the pilot process,checking and filling vacancies,and constantly improving the community hospital construction policy,it can further promote the national community hospital construction in an all-round way.This study analyzes the current situation and development of the pilot work of community hospital construction and puts forward some suggestions.
作者 陈晖 CHEN Hui(Community Health Service Center,Wenquan Town,Haidian District,Beijing,100095 China)
出处 《中国卫生产业》 2022年第3期253-256,共4页 China Health Industry
关键词 社区医院 建设 试点工作 Community hospital Construction Pilot work
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