The stock market is not only an important financing channel for listed companies,but also an important investment market.Stock prediction has always attracted people’s attention.In order to make full use of the information from different stock data and improve the prediction performance of stocks,a multi-scale stock price prediction model TL-EMDLSTM-MA(TELM)is proposed.TELM decomposes the closing price into multiple time-scale components through empirical mode decomposition.Different time-scale components have different oscillation frequencies,reflecting different periodic information.Different components are predicted by different method according to oscillation frequencies.High-frequency component are predicted by the stacked LSTM which is trained by deep transfer learning method.Low-frequency component are predicted by the moving average method.The predicted closing price is calculated by summing the predicted values of all components.The stacked LSTM trained by deep transfer learning contains information from different stocks and has more industry or market knowledge,which can effectively reduce the predictive error.Using the moving average method to predict the low-frequency component can more effectively capture the general trend of stocks.500 stocks in China’s A-share market,Shanghai stock index,SZSE component index,and other stock indexes are predicted.The results show that the error of TELM is the lowest and the goodness of fit is the highest compared with other models.By joining in the stock predicted closing price of TELM,the stock trading process is simulated.The results show that TELM has low investment risk and high return.
CHENG Mengfei;GAO Shuping(School of Mathematics and Statistics,Xidian University,Xi’an 710126,China)
Computer Engineering and Applications