

Analysis of the Current Situation and Future Development Hotspots of China’s Medical Informatics Field from the Conference Perspective
摘要 选择我国医院信息化业界有影响力的技术交流之一的大会,利用大会官网确定参会企业名单,借助天眼查和动脉橙公司库获取和分析企业的各种特征。结果发现,2021年杭州此次会议共有205家企业参展,特点包括:公司新,最近10年成立的企业占61.95%;79.02%参展企业来自北京、浙江、广东、上海和江苏这5个省份;注册资本1亿元人民币以上的企业35家(中位数是1667万元),已有17家企业首次公开募股;信息化厂商数量最多(占30.95%),16家企业(占28.07%)使用了人工智能技术。结果表明,我国三级医院信息化基本完成了初级阶段的建设,新兴的方向包括智慧临床和科研系统、DRG智慧运营和医保系统等。县域医共体建设正成为新焦点,全病程管理和数字疗法可能会成为未来新热点。 It chose one of the most influential academic and technical interchange activities in the medical informatics and healthcare information industry of China.The official website of the conference was used to determine the list of participating companies.The basic characteristics of the companies were captured and analyzed with the help of databases of TianYanCha and VBDATA company.Results showed that a total of 205 companies officially exhibited,with features including Start-ups,61.95%were established in the last 10 years,mainly from first-tier cities,79.02%exhibitors came from Beijing,Zhejiang,Guangdong,Shanghai and Jiangsu.The median registered capital was 16.67 million yuan,and there were 35 enterprises with registered capital above 100 million yuan,and17 enterprises had an IPO.Among all the exhibitors,the number of informatization manufacturers was the largest(30.95%),and 16 companies(28.07%)used artificial intelligence technology.It concluded that Chinese tertiary hospitals have basically completed the construction of the primary stage of information technology.The most important directions included intelligent systems to support clinical research,DRG intelligent operation systems and so on.Further,the county medical alliance is becoming a new focus of corporate attention.In addition,it is expected that whole course management and digital therapy may become new hot spots in the future.
作者 张忠安 李凤月 郑栩 安凯 刘一 梁俊 雷健波 Zhang Zhong’an;Li Fengyue;Zheng Xu;Lei Jianbo(不详;Qingdao Central Hospital Affiliated to Qingdao University,Qingdao,Shandong,266042,China)
出处 《中国医院管理》 北大核心 2022年第6期72-76,共5页 Chinese Hospital Management
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(81771937,81871455) 北大百度基金资助项目(2019BD008)。
关键词 医院信息化 县域医共体 医学信息学 热点分析 hospital informationization county medical alliance medical Informatics hot spot analysis
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