
仿生蜘蛛探寻机器人设计 被引量:2

Bionic spider search robot
摘要 多足步行机器人腿部结构设计与步态规划及控制是机器人领域中的热点研究问题,而关于简单可靠的多足随动结构设计与控制方面的研究较为缺乏。根据多足步行机器人的行走步态,采用曲轴及连杆实现了多足随动,降低了多足机器人从机械结构设计到控制系统算法的复杂度,设计了一款仿生蜘蛛探寻机器人。通过SolidWorks软件对仿生蜘蛛探寻机器人进行了三维运动仿真。结果显示:仿生蜘蛛探寻机器人无结构方面的干涉,设计思路可行。仿生蜘蛛探寻机器人的出现为如何降低多足机器人设计难度这一问题提供了解决方案。 Leg structure design and gait planning and control of multi-legged walking robots are hot research issues in the field of robotics, but the research on simple and reliable multi-legged follow-up structure design and control is relatively scarce.According to the walking gait of multi-legged walking robot, this paper adopts crankshaft and connecting rod to realize multi-legged follow-up, reduces the complexity of multi-legged robot from mechanical structure design to control system algorithm, and designs a bionic spider searching robot.Through SolidWorks, the 3 d motion simulation of the bionic spider exploration robot is carried out.The results show that the bionic spider exploration robot has no structural interference and the design idea is feasible.The appearance of bionic spider searching robot provides a solution to reduce the difficulty of multi-legged robot design.
作者 孙祖威 张文廷 李晓丹 王博雨 燕文俊 SUN Zuwei;ZHANG Wenting;LI Xiaodan;WANG Boyu;YAN Wenjun(Liaoning University of Technology,Jinzhou 121001,China)
机构地区 辽宁工业大学
出处 《技术与市场》 2022年第6期19-21,25,共4页 Technology and Market
基金 校级大学生创新创业训练计划项目“新型仿生蜘蛛机器人的研究”(X2021003)。
关键词 仿生蜘蛛 多足随动 曲轴 连杆 bionic spider polypedal follow up the crankshaft connecting rod
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