
“渗入现实的虚无主义”及其应对 被引量:1

“Nihilism Penetrating Reality” and How to Respond to It
摘要 虚无主义是现代社会颇具影响力的思潮之一,其向现实渗入的方式多种多样,包括独立性存在、翻新式方法、零碎化理论和引导型结构等。“渗入现实的虚无主义”是历史虚无主义的一种新变体,它构建出一套戏谑式的语言体系,其目标诉求是解构思想、分化行动、遗弃目标。它利用畸化热点、恶化痛点、丑化难点和虚化重点等手段渗入现实问题,并借助夸大其词、捏造谣言、消解事实、虚构语境等话语方式极力实现虚无主义的病态使命。渗入现实的虚无主义对于树立正确的社会历史观极具破坏力,我们需要依靠法治手段规制其赖以“续命”的虚拟空间,运用辩证思维冲破其构境基础,在理论祛魅中牢牢掌握现实话语权,通过实践纠偏来治理现实存在的真实问题,从而打破其编织的虚拟幻象,毫不留情地断其“后路”。 By adapting to the “new road of modernity”, nihilism intends to ubiquitously extend its influence and develop a form capable of penetrating reality. Some of the methods that nihilism attempts to penetrate reality include: replacing “reality” with “nothingness” in order to acquire a certain independence by which it can covertly and trivially spread its essentially nihilistic view on reality;renovating more traditional methods of nihilism by deliberately misusing and abusing dialectics while emphasizing reality and its details, and by utilizing decentralized networks of communication;by adopting the virtual and non-centralized characteristics of cyberspace by employing fragmented theories and methods;and by psychologically controlling various parties to develop a PUA-style orientation framework that belittles and suppresses all opposing parties in relation to any given topic. The features of this new form of nihilism include: directing the public to agree with nihilism by reconstructing a series of playful network languages;strengthening the public’s abnormal views and deconstructing their thoughts in the arena of public argumentation;dividing public actions and causing extensive division by influencing others through actions of people that are already divided;inducing the public to abandon the ideals they actually hold and diluting their morale through the anxiety and nervousness brought about by the pressures that confront the public. The means of this new form of nihilism include: distorting burning social issues and causing chaos;creating rumors by combining falsehood and reality concerning current issues;and amplifying the uncomfortably individual experiences of daily life in order to cause people to take inappropriate actions;taking contingent events concerning social difficulties as turning them into federal cases;crushing individual ideals by amplifying social difficulties;emptying significant values of content that the mainstream public holds;and fabricating and hypostatizing various decadent contexts to degrade people’s spirit. Responses to the new form of nihilism include: legally regulating virtual space by supervising online public opinion;holding high the banner of Marxism and popularizing dialectical materialism to break the realistic illusions that it has constructed;interpreting reality based on a people-centered approach;and taking the people-centered realistic foundation as the means to consolidate people’s self-consciousness and uncover the virtue reality;and treating truth fearlessly, facing pains and difficulties as well as solving the real problems behind the social events.
作者 王少 Wang Shao
出处 《哲学动态》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第4期22-33,127,共13页 Philosophical Trends
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