In the first half of the 20th century, Henri Bergson’s philosophy of life and his intuitive methodology greatly influenced Liang Shuming and Xiong Shili, two modern Neo-Confucians. This article attempts to reveal the range of consensus and divergence among these three philosophers concerning the intuitive method. Their concepts of intuition will also be examined. For Bergson, intuitive thinking means thinking in duration.Duration is defined through contrast with the space, where space represents the intellectualism of modern philosophy that Bergson fiercely criticized. Negatively, intuition is an analytic method beyond science;positively, it is sympathy with the thing itself. Liang Shuming was once a great fan of Bergson. He situated intuition as a cognitive capacity between sensation and understanding. For him, intuition signifies something more than sensation. This diverges from Bergson’s concept of intuition that intuition is superior than understanding. However, Liang also holds to a conception of the universe as animate that is only epistemically accessible through intuition, which approximates Bergson’s view on intuition. Xiong Shili’s concept of intuition is closely related to his monistic ontology, which holds that phenomena in the world are functions of substance.He supported two epistemic methods, intuition for knowing the substance and understanding for knowing the phenomena. He agrees with Bergson in that both the self-cognition of consciousness and the knowledge about the origin of the universe are accessible through intuition. Criticizing modern scientism, all three philosophers agree that intuition is different from the types of understanding that science employs, and that life and the universe are only accessible to intuition and not to science and intellectualism. However, because Liang and Xiong’s concept of intuition has its origins in Buddhism, the understanding of intuition that they hold transcend concepts and language, whereas Bergson insists that the mediation of concepts and language are indispensable for intuition. The different views on intuition held by these three philosophers can be characterized as three different epistemic attitudes: an aesthetic attitude for Liang, an ethical attitude in terms of cosmology for Xiong, and a reflective attitude for Bergson.
Philosophical Trends