通过添加微量金属Ni在较低的温度下制备了PSZ/W系复合材料烧结体 ,并用XRD和光学显微镜对其组织结构进行了研究。结果表明 ,由于复合材料中含有 0 .2 %wt的Ni,在 14 0 0℃常压烧结 3h ,可制备相对密度高于 95 %的致密的PSZ/W系复合材料 ,该系复合材料的组织随含W量的提高呈规律性变化。对复合材料弯曲强度和硬度研究结果表明 ,上述力学性能对组织和致密度具有很强的依存性。
The PSZ/W composite has been sintered at a lower temperature by adding a small amount of Ni. Its microstructure was studied by XRD and optical microscopy. It is found that dense PSZ/W composite with a relative density larger than 95% can be obtained by sintering at 1 400 ℃ for 3 h. The structure of the composite changes regularly as the W content in creases. The results obtained from bending strength and hardness testing both show that they are strongly dependent on the structure and density.
Journal of Changchun University of Technology