Urban sprawl is a complex process,and cellular automata(CA)model is an important tool for dynamic urban sprawl simulation.Traditional studies mainly focus on the simulation analysis of urban expansion in a certain city or a certain region of the city,but there are some deficiencies in the large-scale simulation analysis of urban expansion.This study taking Sichuan province of 2000,2010 and 2018 remote sensing data and land use data as the foundation,this the first region to use transformation analysis for the discussion of the Sichuan province,including sources of urban expansion,by combining GeoSOS platform,using DT-CA model and Logistic-CA model,considering the space limit factors and influencing factors,to simulate the urban expansion and reuse of higher comprehensive evaluation model to forecast the urban expansion in 2025 in southwestern Sichuan province.The results show that the urban expansion of Sichuan province is mainly based on the conversion of cultivated land to urban land.Its urban expansion is mainly concentrated in the east,and the eastern expansion is mainly concentrated in the Sichuan basin.Both models can simulate large-scale urban expansion,and the kappa coefficient of the simulation results is above 0.6,showing a good simulation effect.Through comprehensive comparison,the DT-CA model is better.The forecast result of Sichuan province in 2025 is roughly the same as the current urban expansion direction and major expansion areas.Using the reasonable model to simulate and analyze the large-scale urban expansion can provide decision support for the future regional development planning.
XIE Junyang;JIAN Ji(College of Earth Science, Chengdu University of Technology, Chengdu 610059, China)
Computing Techniques For Geophysical and Geochemical Exploration