
一例COVID-19核酸检测阳性个案的应急处置报告 被引量:1

Emergency response report of a positive COVID-19 nucleic test case
摘要 背景:2022年4月13日晚8点,笔者所在医院设置在院外的为社会提供COVID-19核酸检测“愿检尽检”样本中发现1管10∶1混检管为阳性,为迅速锁定感染者、控制新冠疫情传播风险,特开展本次应急调查和处置。方法:参照《新型冠状病毒肺炎防控方案(第八版)》、《山东省医疗机构发现新冠病毒感染者应急处置指引》及本院《新型冠状病毒肺炎应急处置预案》,进行信息报告、院区封锁、人员追踪、密接筛查、采样消杀、核酸检测、风险评估等应急处置工作。结果:发现COVID-19无症状感染者1例,50岁女性,系医院周边劳务市场的“零工”,病毒毒株基因测序为奥密克戎BA.2。判定密接接触者65例,均落实隔离管控措施。医院全员新冠核酸检测、环境新冠核酸采样检测结果均为阴性,排除院内新冠传播风险,4月14日上午8点,医院在封控12小时后正常开诊。随后7天,对全院职工一天两检,结果均为阴性,之后恢复每天一检。结论:结合文件要求和医院实际制定详细可执行的新冠应急处置预案并参照预案内容进行演练,可提高医院新冠阳性病例的应急处置效率,为控制新冠疫情院内传播风险,恢复医院正常诊疗秩序赢得宝贵时间。 Background:Eight pm on April 13,2022,a10∶1 mixed test tube was found to be positive in the COVID-19 nucleic acid test site set up outside the hospital.In order to identify the infected case and control the spread of COVID-19 rapidly,we conducted this emergency investigation.Methods:According to the National COVID-19 Control and Prevention Protocol(8 th edition),Guideline on Emergency Response to COVID-19 Case Found in Hospital in Shandong Province,and the Emergency Response Plan for COVID-19 in our hospital,information reporting,hospitalblockading,potential COVID-19 cases tracing,close contact screening,environmental sampling and disinfecting,COVID-19 nucleic acid testing and risk assessment were carried out by our team.Results:A female COVID-19 case aged 50 years was identified.She is aodd-jobber who works in the labour market near the hospital.The virus strain was sequenced as Omicron BA.2.A total of 65 close contacts was controlled in a hotel.The COVID-19 nucleic acid test results for all the staff of hospital,environmental samples were negative.The risk of COVID-19 spread was controlled and the hospital restarted of clinical activities as normal at 8 am on April 14 after blockaded for 12 hours.Inthe following 7 days,the staff of the hospital were tested for COVID-19 nucleic acid twice a day,and the results were negative.Then the testing frequency changed to once a day.Conclusion:Formulating detailed and feasible COVID-19 emergency response plans based on the requirements of the public documents and the actual conditions of the hospital,is useful to improve the efficiency of emergency response to COVID-19 cases and save time for control of COVID-19 spread and restart the clinical activities of hospital.
作者 槐鹏程 李珍 马衍鹏 韦宝建 杨旭日 张兆升 王川 于功奇 王猛 程艳如 孙远航 韩淑馨 杜文莉 孙乐乐 温绪岽 刘军 孙勇虎 于学萍 郭来雨 曹印发 刘红 许庆贺 张福仁 HUAI Pengcheng;LI Zhen;MA Yanpeng;WEI Baojian;YANG Xuri;ZHANG Zhaosheng;WANG Chuan;YU Gongqi;WANG Meng;CHENG Yanru;SUN Yuanhang;HAN Shuxin;DU Wenli;SUN Lele;WEN Xudong;LIU Jun;SUN Yonghu;YU Xueping;GUO Laiyu;CAO Yinfa;LIU Hong;XU Qinghe;ZHANG Furen(Shandong Provincial Hospital for Skin Diseases&Shandong Provincial Institute of Dermatology and Venereology,Shandong First Medical University&Shandong Academy of Medical Sciences,Jinan 250022,China)
出处 《中国麻风皮肤病杂志》 2022年第8期499-502,共4页 China Journal of Leprosy and Skin Diseases
关键词 新型冠状病毒 无症状感染者 应急处置 Covid-19 asymptomatic infection emergency response
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