
四川省188家木制家具制造企业木粉尘职业卫生现况分析 被引量:2

Analysis on occupational hygiene of wood dust in 188 wooden furniture manufacturing enterprises in Sichuan Province
摘要 目的了解四川省木制家具制造企业的木粉尘职业卫生现况。方法整理并提取了2017—2019年四川省某职业卫生技术服务机构对四川省188家木制家具制造企业进行检测的的木粉尘数据、职业卫生现场调查和职业健康检查数据,并按照企业规模分类进行分析。结果188家企业主要分布在成都市及周边地区,企业规模以小型为主,共145家,占比77.13%。企业接木粉尘人数共计5052人,占比35.08%。接触木粉尘岗位的检测点共1256个,有571个超标,超标率为45.46%。超标率排在前3位的岗位分别为打磨、铣型和下料岗位,超标率分别为62.98%、60.82%和50.40%,其中铣型岗位超标倍数最高达25.46倍。企业的职业卫生管理措施的执行率在3.19%~98.40%之间,其中离岗健康检查、明确职业卫生操作规程和书面告知执行率较低,分别为3.19%、17.02%和25.00%。不同企业规模工程防护、个人防护、职工健康检查以及其他职业卫生管理执行情况存在较大差异,其中大/中型企业的执行率较高,微型企业较低。结论四川省木制家具制造企业中下料、铣型、打磨岗位木粉尘超标严重,应作为企业木粉尘防控的关键控制点;各企业职业卫生管理项目落实情况较差,应加强职业卫生监督管理。 Objective To understand the occupational hygiene status of wood dust in furniture manufacturing enterprises in Sichuan Province.Methods The data of wood dust detection,occupational health field surveys,and occupational health examination,which188 wooden furniture manufacturing enterprises in Sichuan Province were tested by an occupational health technical service agency in Sichuan Province from 2017 to 2019,were collect and extracted,and analyzed them against the enterprise scale.Results Totally 188 enterprises were mainly located in Chengdu and surrounding areas,and 145 were small in scale,accounting for77.13%.There were 5052 employees exposed to wood dust in the enterprises,accounting for 35.08%.There were 1256 inspection points for posts exposed to wood dust,and 571 exceeded the standard,with an over standard rate of 45.26%.The top three positions with over-standard rates were grinding,milling,and blanking,which the over standard rate was 62.98%,60.82%and50.40%,respectively,among them,the exceeding multiplies of milling post were as high as 25.46 times.The implementation rates of occupational health management measures in the enterprises were between 3.19%and 98.40%.Among them,the implementation rates of off-job physical examination,clarification of occupational hygiene operating procedures,and written notifications were relatively low,which were 3.19%,17.02%and 25.00%,respectively.There were large differences in the implementation of engineering protection,personal protection,employee health examination,and other occupational health managements among enterprises of different scales.Among them,the implementation rate of large/medium-sized enterprises was higher,and that of the micro-enterprises was lower.Conclusion Among the wooden furniture manufacturing enterprises in Sichuan Province,the wood dust in blanking,milling,and grinding positions is seriously exceeding the standard,which should be regarded as critical control points for the prevention and control of wood dust in the enterprises,the implementation of occupational health management projects of the enterprises is poor,and the occupational health supervision as well as management should be strengthened.
作者 周承勃森 唐道冰 聂志超 曾跃春 贾红 ZHOU Cheng-bosen;TANG Dao-bing;NIE Zhi-chao;ZENG Yue-chun;JIA Hong(School of Public Health,Southuest Medical Unirersity.Luzhou Sichuan 646000,China;Sichuan Zhonghuan Kangruan Health Technology Serices Company,Chengdu Sichuan,610041,China)
出处 《职业与健康》 CAS 2022年第8期1012-1016,共5页 Occupation and Health
基金 四川省卫生健康科研课题(19ZD019)。
关键词 木制家具制造企业 木粉尘 现况调查 Wooden furniture manufacturing enterprise Wood dust Current situation investigation
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