
技术标准之许可定价规则的“非国家化”——以可比许可法为中心 被引量:11

“Denationalization” of Pricing Rules for Technical Standards Licensing
摘要 技术标准是全球基础设施的组成部分,技术标准许可是国际技术服务贸易的重要内容。技术标准是经标准化组织批准、非强制执行、可重复使用的通用技术方案规则和指南。在技术标准许可定价规则尚未统一的情况下,“国家”试图强化对技术标准实施活动的控制,表现为不同国家的司法机关在裁决标准必要专利许可费时适用不同的定价规则,而这些规则为国家力量的介入创造了空间。可比许可法是一种“非国家化”的技术标准许可定价规则,能集中反映消费者愿为标准必要专利支付的信息,注重参考在市场作用下业已形成的许可费水平,从而克服分摊式专利价值评估方法的缺陷。可比许可协议的识别、可比许可协议中许可费信息的披露以及复杂标准必要专利许可情形中隐性单向许可费率的解析,是可比许可法适用的关键。专利劫持和技术标准化价值等问题的澄清,有利于认定标准必要专利许可费的范围,打破对部分可比许可协议参考价值的质疑,确保可比许可法适用的稳定性。作为一项由市场主导的技术标准许可定价规则,可比许可法有助于定价规则的“非国家化”,在不同国家的司法机关间形成“规则共识”。 Technical standards are an integral part of global infrastructure. Technical standards licensing is an important part of the international technical service trade. Technical standards are general technical solution rules and guidelines approved by standardization organizations for repeated use, with which compliance is not mandatory. In the absence of unified pricing rules for technical standards licensing, “nations” have tried their best to control the implementation of technical standards, which is manifested in the different pricing rules applied by the courts in different countries when adjudicating the royalties for standard-essential patents, which have created ample space for the intervention by the state power. The comparable licensing method is a “denationalized” technical standard licensing pricing rule that can reflect in a concentrated way the information that consumers are willing to pay for standard essential patents, and takes into consideration the royalty rates that have already been formed in the market, thus overcomes the defects of the apportioning method of patent valuation. The identification of comparable licensing agreements, the disclosure of royalty information in comparable licensing agreements, and the analysis of implicit one-way royalty rates in complex SEP licensing situations are the key steps in the application of the comparable licensing method. The clarification of issues such as patent hold-up and technical standardization value is conducive to determining the scope of standard essential patent royalty, thereby breaks the doubts about the reference value of some comparable licensing agreements and ensures the stability of the application of the comparable licensing method. As a market-led technical standard licensing pricing rule, the comparable licensing method can compress the space for the “nation” to intervene in the application process of the rule, help to achieve the “denationalization” of the technical standard licensing pricing rule, and form the “rule consensus” to the greatest extent among courts in different countries.
作者 马一德 MA Yide
机构地区 中国科学院大学
出处 《法学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第3期103-124,共22页 Chinese Journal of Law
基金 国家社科基金重大项目“新形势下我国参与知识产权全球治理的战略研究”(21&ZD164)的阶段性成果。
关键词 技术标准 价值评估 可比许可法 专利劫持 technical standards valuation comparable licensing method patent hold-up
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