
企业参与全球价值链分工的战略选择——基于CNKI与Web of Science的CiteSpace文献计量分析 被引量:4

Corporate Strategies in the Global Value Chain: A Literature Review
摘要 全球生产碎片化分割和国际格局深刻演变,使企业在参与全球价值链分工战略选择上面临重大考验。本文以2020年以前有关企业参与全球价值链分工战略的2 478篇中外文献为研究对象,借助Cite Space文献计量研究工具,综合运用定量及定性研究方法探究企业参与全球价值链分工战略选择的研究脉络,提出了一个企业参与全球价值链分工战略选择的逻辑框架,并归纳总结企业战略的影响因素。研究发现:(1)企业参与全球价值链分工的战略选择可以分为市场性战略和非市场性战略两大类型,市场性战略可以分为外向拓展型战略和内部优化型战略;(2)外向拓展型战略可以分为离岸外包、海外布局和产业集群三种战略类型,内部优化型战略可以分为企业定位、禀赋利用和能力提升三种战略类型。(3)非市场性战略主要涉及企业政治战略、企业社会公众及媒体战略以及企业社会责任战略三种战略类型。(4)影响企业参与全球价值链分工战略制定的因素可以分为管理因素和环境因素,管理因素包括管理者因素、企业因素和网络因素;环境因素包括营商环境、融资约束、产业政策、市场结构和市场开放度五种母国因素,经济发展、制度质量、资源禀赋和技术水平四种东道国因素,以及文化距离、双边政治关系两种超国家因素。本文研究为后续理论研究和政策实践提供了方向性指引。 With the global fragmentation of product production and the profound evolution of the international landscape,enterprises are facing major challenges in participating in the strategic choice of division of labor in the global value chain.This article takes 2478 Chinese and foreign literatures about companies participating in the global value chain division of labor strategy before 2020. With the help of CiteSpace bibliometric research tools, both quantitative and qualitative research methods are used to explore the research context of companies participating in the global value chain division of labor strategy selection. We then propose a framework of corporate strategies in the Global Value Chain and identify the factors than would affect corporate’s strategic choices. We find that:(1) Corporate strategies in the Global Value Chain could be divided into two categories, market-oriented strategies, and non-market-oriented strategies. Market-oriented strategies could be further divided into external and internal strategies.(2) There are three types of internal strategies, which are corporate positioning, factor endowments utilization, and capability improvement;there are also three types of strategies for the external side, which are offshore outsourcing, overseas layout, and industrial cluster.(3) Non-market-oriented strategies are basically involved with politics, social public and media, and corporate social responsibility.(4) The factors that affect corporate strategies in the Global Value Chain could be divided into two types, i.e., management factors and circumstance factors. Management factors includes supervisor, enterprise and network. There are two types of circumstance factors, home country, host country factors and supranational factors. The home country factors consist of doing business environment, financing restrictions, industrial policies, market structure, and market openness;the host country factors include economic development, institutional quality,resource endowment and technical level;the supranational factors are comprised of political relations and cultural distance.Our study provides a clear vision for the previous literature on corporate strategies in the Global Value Chain and lay a solid foundation for future research in this area.
作者 韩永辉 麦靖华 张帆 YONGHUI HAN;JINGHUA MAI;FAN ZHANG(Guangdong Institute for International Strategies,Guangdong University of Foreign Studies;School of Economics and Trade,Guangdong University of Foreign Studies)
出处 《产业经济评论》 CSSCI 2022年第3期36-68,共33页 Review of Industrial Economics
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(72073037 71873041) 广东省自然科学基金项目(2021A1515011814) 国家社会科学基金重大项目(20&ZD085 20&ZD061 21ZDA097) 广东外语外贸大学科研创新项目(21GWCXXM-017)的阶段性成果。
关键词 企业战略选择 全球价值链 文献计量 全球分工 corporate strategies global value chain bibliometrics global division of labor
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