
杭州城市人口密度对人居环境感知的影响 被引量:10

Impact of Urban Population Density on Perception of Human Settlements in Hangzhou
摘要 研究人口密度与人居环境感知的非线性关系对于合理控制大城市规模、制定适宜的人口密度控制标准以及寻求城镇化科学发展具有重要的现实意义。以杭州为案例城市,基于2020年住建部“城市体检”社会满意度问卷调查结果和杭州城市建成环境空间数据,利用三阶段逐步回归模型和中介效应检验重点分析了人口密度与居民生态宜居感知、健康舒适感知和交通便捷感知的非线性关系,并分析了人口密度对不同维度人居环境感知的影响路径。研究发现:人口密度与居民生态宜居感知、健康舒适感知和交通便捷感知具有显著的倒U型关联,当人口密度在(1.5~2.0)万人/km;时,居民对这3个维度的感知情况最好;在影响路径方面,人口密度对居民生态宜居感知的影响路径为部分中介,对居民健康舒适感知以及交通便捷感知的影响路径为完全中介。研究不仅可以加深对于紧凑城市理论的理解,还可以为城市体检工作中指标参照值的设置提供科学的参考依据,促进新型城镇化健康有序地发展。 The study of the nonlinear relationship between population density and human settlement environment perception is of great practical significance for the rational control of the size of big cities, the formulation of appropriate population density control standards and the scientific development of urbanization. Taking Hangzhou as a case city, based on the results of the social satisfaction questionnaire of “city health examination” of the Ministry of housing and urban rural development in 2020 and the spatial data of Hangzhou urban built environment, this paper analyzes the nonlinear relationship between population density and residents’ perception of ecological livability, health and comfort, and transportation convenience by using three-stage stepwise regression model and intermediary effect test, It also analyzes the influence path of population density on the perception of human settlements in different dimensions. The results show that: there is a significant inverted U-shaped correlation between population density and residents’ perception of ecological livability, health and comfort, and transportation convenience. When the population density is between 15 000 persons/km~2 and20 000 persons/km~2, residents’ perception of these three dimensions is the best;In the aspect of impact path,the impact path of population density on Residents’ perception of ecological livability is partial intermediary,and the impact path of population density on Residents’ perception of health and comfort and traffic convenience is complete intermediary. The research can not only deepen the understanding of compact city theory, but also provide the corresponding decision-making basis for Hangzhou urban planning, and promote the healthy and orderly development of new urbanization.
作者 许婧雪 张文忠 谌丽 Xu Jingxue;Zhang Wenzhong;Chen Li(Key Laboratory of Region Sustainable Development Modeling,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100101,China;Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100101,China;University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100049,China;College of Applied Arts and Science,Beijing Union University,Beijing 100191,China)
出处 《地理科学》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2022年第2期208-218,共11页 Scientia Geographica Sinica
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(41871170,42071215) 中国科学院战略性先导科技专项(XDA23100302) 北京市属高校高水平教师队伍建设支持计划项目(CIT&TCD201904075)资助。
关键词 城市体检 人居环境 人口密度 杭州 city health examination human settlements population density Hangzhou
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